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Greetings Leaders,
This week begins Summer for the Ages, discounted upgrades and instant Town Center upgrades start today! We’re also recognizing the U.S. Independence Day and Tanabata! You’ll also find two guaranteed Legendary Artifact step-ups! All that and more in the week ahead.
Summer for the Ages
One of our largest events of the year kicks off today! Summer for the Ages will have you saving plenty of resources as you upgrade buildings and units. From 7/1 to 7/28 you’ll notice 60% Off on all upgrades from Classical to Drone Age. Check out our full Summer for the Ages Post here for more details, including daily log-in rewards!
This weekend Marco is getting in on the summer fun with 4x Legendary Tokens for video ads from 7/4 - 7/11.
Episode & Event Passes 7/1
Special Event: Summer Boost Campaign 7/1 - 7/8
Celebrate the Summer with this Special Event Pass! You’ll find Free Premium Recruitments, a Diamond Mine, and a Legendary Token. The Free tier even includes a special Summer Chest with chances at Legendary Artifacts like the Ashanti Kuduo, Personal Computer, and more! Upgrading to the Premium Pass can get you even more Summer Chests, Legendary Tokens, and even a Bazooka Tower!
Event: Generals 7/4 - 7/11
Load up on Free General Troop Tactics including George Washington, Tomoe Gozen, and the season boosted Genghis Khan. Upgrading to the Premium Pass you’ll find Guan Yu, General Eisenhower, General Omar Bradley, and more!
The Global Leaderboard Challenge features the Aztec Calendar for those who can rank within the Top 100!
Manufactory Prime Supply Pass 7/4 - 7/11
Stock up on some quick Manufactory Materials with this Pass. The Free tier can get you Small Manfactory Prime Material Chest Mk.1 and Mk.2, alongside Platinum! Premium Pass holders can obtain the Large Manufactory Prime Material Chest Mk.1 and Mk. 2 and even more Platinum!
US Independence Day 7/4 - 7/11
The United States of America will be celebrating their Independence Day this week! The Episode Pass features Free Harlem Hellfighters, American Marine, George Washington, and more Troop Tactics. For those that pick up the Premium Pass you’ll find Super Stallion and Nighthawk Troop Tactics. Plus you can get the ASDIC Chest with chances to obtain the ASDIC Type 113x Legendary Artifact!
Colossus of Rhodes 7/1 - 7/15
Quickly build and expand your city during the Colossus of Rhodes event!
The Colossus was a statue of the Greek sun god Helios that stood over 100 feet tall. After the people of Rhodes fought off Demetrius the Besieger during the wars of Alexander’s successors, they sold off the material from the abandoned siege engines. They used the proceeds to fund the towering sculpture in gratitude to their patron god for keeping them safe.
The statue is thought to have been made of bronze plating over an iron and stone support structure. Medieval depictions show the Colossus bestriding the harbor entrance with both legs, but this dramatic pose has been deemed impossible. More likely it stood upright on a single pedestal at the city harbor or a hill overlooking it. The statue may have sported a spiked crown similar to the Statue of Liberty and held a torch or shaded its eyes with one hand.
Of the Seven Wonders, the Colossus was by far the shortest-lived. It was completed around 280 BCE and brought down by an earthquake within six decades. The Rhodians feared they had angered their god and so refused Ptolemy III’s offer to pay for repairs. Though even the shattered ruins continued to amaze visitors, in the seventh century the parts were sold off for scrap, just like the engines that had once funded its construction.
For the duration of the event, Farms, Caravans, and Oil Wells will produce:
• 30% More Food!
• 30% More Gold!
• 30% More Oil!
King Tut’s Tomb 7/2 - 7/9
In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the entrance to the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb had been lost for centuries, preserving a massive trove of ancient artifacts. Along with the famous funerary mask and solid gold coffin, Carter’s team found thrones, weapons, musical instruments, jewelry, an alabaster chalice, and a dagger made of meteoric iron. This massive collection of artifacts still travels the world as a museum exhibition and has ensured King Tut’s place in history!
Leveling Up Museum Artifacts costs 20% less Blueprints and 20% less resources for a limited time!
Tanabata Event 6/30 - 7/7
This week is our Tanabata Event!
Tanabata is a Japanese festival originating from the Chinese Qixi Festival to celebrate the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, who got separated by the Milky Way. It is also known as the Star Festival. The celebration is held at various days between July and August. In Japan today, people celebrate this day by writing wishes on tanzaku and hanging them on bamboo. Many areas in Japan have their own Tanabata customs, which are related to local Obon traditions.
Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!
33% off the following Coalition upgrades:
• Maori
• Indians
• Russians
• Filipinos
Legendary Step-Ups 7/1 - 7/8
This week’s Legendary Step-Ups include two Guaranteed Artifacts! Each step of the Huey Armament Chest and Leonidas Bust Chest will give you a chance to obtain the associated Legendary Artifact. Completing all steps in either sale will guarantee you the related Legendary Artifact!