Vault and boosting raidable resources


Approved user
May 16, 2015
Perhaps this observation is unique to higher medal counts but most people seem to have few lootable resources either because they are inactive or spend everything before logging off.

The vault helps protect the resources. If the vault functions like a bank by storing and protecting our resources, it could be robbed much like a bank (its destroyed in a raid). Banks are insured so that if money is stolen, the insurance will pay for the losses. The vault would insure the resources but allow them to still be lootable and then refunded. As far as the owner of the base is concerned, there is no change as the resources are insured but for the raiders, there will be many more bases with sizable loots.

If this would make lootable resources too high then make only some percentage of the vault lootable while still functioning the same way as it does now.

Say a gunpowder age base would normally have 25k food and 25k gold lootable but there is 300k food in the vault. Since 50k total resources is not much for upgrades that cost millions, its not worth bothering. But if the 300k food could be looted or some percentage of it, then the base becomes worthwhile.

If 25% of the vault is lootable, then 25k gold/100k food would be lootable
if 50% of the vault is lootable, then 25k gold/175k food would be lootable


And the base owner wouldn't lose anything in the vault.

I know the game is a grind of sorts but its getting too tedious raiding bases with so little reward when the rebuild time is so high.

I think the vault values are way to low when trying to save millions but thats another discussion....

TLDR: Vault function to base owner is the same (nothing lost). Resources are lootable by raiders to boost lootable bases


Approved user
May 16, 2015
The vault would still function exactly for the same for the person that owns it. If it protects 200k resources, those are safe. The difference I was suggesting is that allow the raider to loot some of those resources to boost the amount of loot you can get from higher end bases.

To compare it to the wonder, you get 100% of the resources back that are in the vault (insurance for those resources). Again, nothing changes for the owner of the vault but it could create a lot more loot in bases.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
You need to take note that while on one-side you request for more resources to be taken from attacks, it will create a reaction from other players who will complain that they are losing too much from being raided. Also, you yourself will lose more resources when being raided.

My guessed on why higher Ages players are seeing lesser loot in lower players is because of some kind of loot-penalty to protect the lower Age players. Strategy for the higher Ages also comes into play. Some players like myself like to hoard a lot of resources to attract people to attack to get peace treaty. I take it as "buying a peace treaty". There are some who will just make sure that they spend every dime of their savings before going offline to ensure nothing much can be stolen.