Walls leaving gaps in editor mode


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
Constantly trying to lay down my walls but I always get started but after running some walls there are gaps that just do not connect. I try and try but they never close once it happens. So I shut it down and come back, but over and over again I keep getting holes in my wall layouts

I cannot design a base because I can not get past the holes in wall layouts.

Also it would be nice to have the ability to partially edit a layout save it and come back to it before committing to it


Apr 15, 2015
yes, I've seen that too - the base editor is buggy. sometimes i erase all the walls and re-lay them down. I think if you do a click-drag and make it continuous, there's less chance of gaps occurring. if all else fails, just lay them in some corner, save it, then manually move them in the map itself.

this game still has a lot of basic bugs to be worked out. :(


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
This is a known bug & hopefully will be patched soon. If you complete your base (trying your best to ignore the gaps) and save it then go back to edit mode and exit without changing anything the wall gaps snap closed for me. I agree with you on wishing you could save a partially finished base. What I would really love is the ability to save two layouts. It would make it so much easier to experiment with new things without completely having to rebuild the whole base if your original layout was better after all. ***alliance Warsong recruiting. English language. Open acceptance. Chatty and helpful experienced gamers.***