War attack strategies against max CWA with Egyptians defense please


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
When we are in a war we can't win, we want to get a star on every base. Even as a high level CWA, I struggle to get even 1 star against a well designed max CWA base if it has Egyptians, and I have almost no chance against a 3D base. Does anyone have a good strategy that works against most bases? Preferably one that doesn't use a lot of expensive/rare troop tactics. Troop chest armies are OK.

BTW, I am the alliance armory, filling most war troop requests, so I usually have 3 of every barracks unit available for donation, and that is what I want to attack with, but I'm willing to train a special war attack army if necessary.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
all-ht with ethiopians and americans. if your goal is a single star, you wont need any troop tactics.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Yeah, I was thinking that. It takes a long time to train, and then retrain my normal army, but I will give it a go. Thanks!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I agree with pckrn and I will add that some of our high level players have 3 APC mk4, lots of bazookas, 6-8 HA and they do quite well against 3D bases


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Thanks! That's much closer to my regular army composition, so the training time/cost to switch back and forth is more doable. I assume the above is used in conjunction with Generals/Tank destroyers to draw missile silo fire. Do they deploy in a line or use multi-point? Any other hints?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
one side generals and mercs
second side all else in a line, not too stretched though because if it is too wide then troops will wander around too far away and you've lost your strength on that side
3rd side (optional) coalition armies
4th side 4-5 foot soldiers to clear hidden buildings or farms


Approved user
May 17, 2018
take 2-3 engineers with you as well....forgot about those


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
I don’t think anything suggested wins you the fight yet but it’s a start. Even if you go full attack coals vs full def, it’s not equal because of rebalance. It all depends on the layout and tbh the biggest decider is your nation. To see what happens I’ve gone full def (I’m 235 cwa) and I’ve only really lost 3 stars at most against lvl 290 attackers and they’ve gone full HT attack with maxed coals. Opinion only but you really need to be German to make the biggest impact since it’s almost all factory troops being taken. Brit nation is useless in this sense since you’re not using their ranged shooters. The biggest unseen is the museum and honestly all I look for are those artifacts that duff HT and planes because that’s the only thing I worry about. Most bases you see are rose valentines bases these days so you really figure out fast how to approach them. I’ve gotten 5 stars a few times but the layouts weren’t crazy and the biggest threat I find is not the silo but the rocket arsenal. The times I get stopped are because of those rpg troops mainly because of the splash damage. The silo is not a bother to anyone anymore assuming you get your generals up and just make sure you kill tank guns in their path with planes. Honestly my favorite troop card (Because I don’t pay money) is frontier forces because it comes with wall breachers and field howis. That allows me to use less wall breachers from barracks and more bazookas. I’m upping my HTs to 7 right now but for the time being I use 4 apcs, 9-11 bazookas, 2-3 wall breachers, some ranges shooters, and 4-6 heavy arts. The best thing is to compliment your army with alliance troops whether needing bazookas/ranged shooters/etc. I guess it depends on your members and it’s tougher when you’re the highest age/level. Sorry I just rambled on. Cheers