War Phoenix!! An active alliance that wins as a team!


Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
Search for War Phoenix - 40+ members.
Or visit www.warphoenix.com for more details and to join our member chat.

- We use LINE to communicate. We have open spaces and plenty of active members. Over 90% of our alliance is on LINE (http://line.warphoenix.com). LINE is a requirement to participate in war.
- We have a private Alliance Website. www.warphoenix.com This is open for all sorts of discussion and we use it to help communicate and create community.
- We Win Wars! We war at least once per week, often more. We publicize the dates well in advance. This helps all our members for planning/upgrades.
- We have a solid plan to rise to the top. We have a core group of 100+ level members all rising fast.
- Council seats available. We play as a team and win as a team

Go War Phoenix!!
