• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

War Results Not Registering - - - impacts all wars


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
My ally, Invincible, has won every war we have participated in since before Glory began. We have a string of over 50 consecutive PERFECT war scores. That record is in jeopardy due to a bug. This bug has existed for over a year. Any other quality game provider would have treated this issue as the highest priority and fixed it long ago. This issue should be treated as an EMERGENCY and prioritized over any new development.

The specific issue is player attacks are not being properly recorded during war. Early today, Charlie, one of our top members, completed a 5 star attack on an opponent's base. Upon completion, he witnessed the war screen show 5 stars, he saw his name on the Battle Report and then returned to the home screen where he rebuilt his lost forces. A short time later, he saw the "circle of death", disconnected, and when he reconnected he realized his war attack was not recorded. What the heck?

A short time later, I went to rectify the matter. I attacked based 2. I recorded the attack. I completed a 5-star attack and attached is a screenshot from the video I recorded. Please notice the following:

1. You can see the graphic explosion over base #2 along with 5 lit stars below the base.

2. You can see that base 2 (player named Hope) is selected and it shows the Top Attacker as myself (Excellion) with 5 stars 100% being recorded.

3. In the upper left you can see our ally has earned 175 stars this war. It is a 35v35 war and that is the maximum stars possible.

After witnessing everything in order, I stopped the recording, went to my home screen, remade tactics / troops / etc and went about my day. A short time later someone asked me when I was going to attack. I explained I had already attacked, but they informed me the results did not show. I took a look at the War screen and was shocked to see our score had been reduced to 174, my name was removed as the Top Attacker and the base only showed 4 stars.

Please also note there should be no connectivity issues found on our end. It is our ally's practice, before every war attack, to reboot their device to clear memory. You will notice in our ally chat that Charlie and I both specifically typed "rebooting" along with our base target prior to attacking. For myself, I can share the following:

A. I use a Nvidia Shield tablet. It is specifically a gaming tablet. I purchased it brand new direct from Nvidia this year. If it is not the top device the game can be played on, it is one of the top devices.

B. I play from home on wifi. I have ZERO connectivity issues. In fact, I was streaming Amazon Prime (similar to Netflix) during the attack and there was no interruption at all. I also play Clash of Clans and, in over 2 years of playing CoC, I have never disconnected while on wifi.

C. Before every attack, including today's, I Close All open apps and reboot my tablet. Next, I load Dominations, then SCOUT the base so as to load it in memory. Lastly, I start the recording app and attack the base.

Every step humanly possible on my end has been taken to ensure a solid gaming experience.

On behalf of my allymates I can say we play this game for FUN and COMPETITION. The highest form of the game is WAR. We are a top 30 ally. It is already frustrating enough to be matched with opponents where we lose literally 20 times more glory in a loss than we gain with a win. If you check our past 2 previous wars, we earned "6" and "11" glory respectively, while risking over 1000 glory with each loss. If Nexon is going to force allies to war against such massive odds, we absolutely must have reliable war results.

We respectfully request a Nexon employee respond directly on this topic. We request our war score be properly adjusted based on the evidence (a video can be provided if more evidence is desired). We further ask this bug be prioritized and resolved immediately. Lastly, we were informed a solid year ago that War Replays would be available "soon". These replays would help provide evidence of issues such as the one below. We don't care about new ages, new features, new troops. We care more about the existing game being fixed.

Kind Regards,



Approved user
Jan 13, 2016
My ally leader is far more diplomatic than I will be. Frankly Nexon and their game developers should be ashamed of themselves. When our first ally member reported this issue he was given 100 crowns for the error. Really?! The proper solution would be to either:

1). Update the score accurately as more than ample evidence was provided through screenshots and videos, or
2). At the very worse case make the result a stalemate so that neither alliance loses glory as a result of the big.

Failure to do either of these is evidence of either a lack of desire or a lack of ability on Nexon's part.

If lack of desire is the reason this cannot be corrected, then shame on Nexon for their treatment of their dedicated gamers. Essentially they are spitting on our countless months of effort and the money spent on this game. They have rolled out countless new content while not fixing some of the biggest bugs in the game. Shame on them for their greed.

If lack of ability is the reason this can't be corrected, then it is reflective of the highest levels of incompetence. Therefore we should not expect this bug or many of the other major bugs to be fixed, and further time and money spent on the game would inevitably be a waste.


Approved user
Mar 22, 2016
I completely concur with the above. I got given 100 crowns for my effort too. Completely laughable, in particular because I had spent 450 crowns rushing a Napolean upgrade and a fighter build to take the attack - the reason for that being it was an important (albeit ultimately meaningless) attack in our war. I actually told customer service in my initial complaint that rewarding 100 crowns would be an insult given I would be net 350 down. Completely ignored (alongside any attempt to technically engage in the problem). Well ultimately that's Nexon's loss as I see no reason to spend anymore money on the game given its systemic issues which do not appear to be taken seriously.


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
Response from Customer Service - "Thank you very much for letting us know about this and for providing details. Our Development Team is already aware of this issue and actively working on a resolution. At the moment, we don't current have a fix or workaround for this. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue to investigate this matter." - GM Alee


1. It is a completely canned response which surely was copied/pasted. It can be sent in response to every issue submitted. It is what the community knows as a "black hole" response. It is a basic "go away" response which leaves us players / consumers stuck.

2. The response suggests the Development Team is ACTIVELY working on this issue. NOT TRUE! There is a post from FIVE MONTHS AGO discussing the issue and it has not been resolved. There is no indication this issue will ever be resolved, which means the game is broken and will never be fixed. https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexo.../522950-the-4-0-battle-refactor-and-you/page3

3. THERE IS A FIX! Go into the system and fix the war stars!!! I have video evidence of our attack on the base showing we attacked it and earned 5 stars. There is no doubt. You have the ability to fix the issue for us, yet you choose to do nothing!

4. You could prioritize this issue! You can say "I spoke to Mr. Lee (made up name), head of development, and he assigned a programmer to work this issue. He expects a resolution within 10 days which will then need to be tested. We will either have a fix within 3 weeks or will update this thread" - - - THAT is a REAL response.

Candidly, I am at my end here. I have played Dominations since it launched. I have led a top ally and encouraged others to play as well. Nexon and BHG has let me and the gaming community down. There are massive bugs which have existed for over a year with false promises of being resolved. Any good company addresses bugs in a period of days / weeks, not years. We have MAJOR features not in game, such as War Replays, which makes the most important part of the game...war....crippled. We have no idea if the attack results on our bases are accurately, we have no visibility to see how our bases perform on defense, yet we have been promised replays for a year and nothing.

Dominations and Nexon are providing 1 star Customer Service, and 1 star game quality. FIX IT