Well...it's been a while


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Hmmm...do people still read these forum entries? Well, if you are, you probably haven't seen me on here for a while...

So, why am I here? And no, the answer isn't 42. I'm here to see if anyone wants to join my long-standing Alliance - GB Empire.

Yeah, I hear you...another blogger, pushing the same old shiz about why his team is like the best team, blah, blah, blah:confused:! Well, I won't bore you with all that, but I will say this...hook up with us, ignore us, whatever. However, if you are an experienced player looking for a new challenge, why not at least check us out? You've got nothing to lose; and you might actually enjoy the 'family'.

We are 43 members strong. Our top end are all Global, middle predominantly Indy, and bringing up the rear, some rising stars kicking up a storm in Enlightenment/Gunpowder and Medieval Ages! Yes we war constantly; yes we win (15k+ Glory); yes we support with troops/kit/advice; yes we're active; yes we're pretty serious some of the time (wars); yes we want to keep progressing; and hell yes we'd be interested to hear from you!

So where's the catch? There isn't one really. We just ask you donate appropriately; collaborate; share ideas and enjoy the chat, both in game on on our BAND site:cool:!

I've been GeeGee, thanks for reading!


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Oh...and we're mainly a tea. Utilising British, French and some Chinese/Japanese nations.

In in terms of gamers, we spread across the globe including: England, USA, Canada, South Africa, Myanmar, Australia, India...have I missed anywhere?

We are a diverse group, young/older; women/men. We encourage diversity and would really welcome more women and yes, more women! We'd also love a few more American/Canadian players to balance the roster and time zone chat;)


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
And this just in from our European correspondent...

What''s that? GB Empire have a couple of berths going for experienced players?