• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

When you decide to not fight a war


Approved user
Jan 27, 2017
For the first time ever, The 1st Dynasty didn’t fight a war. We are facing the new Korean Army team. The strength are the same, but the GP aren’t: we can win 7 or lose 1.396.

Not playing the war was a sad, but rational decision.

Looks like KA50 has a new gameplay. They want to monopolize the top of the leaderboard. They secure the higher positions and then create a new team and transfer to it all the stronger players. The new team matches immediately with the top teams. With nothing to lose and a ton of points to gain. In its way to top, the new team helps to protect the inactive ones, stealing points from the opponents.

Few days ago, they took us back the second place. Was an overkill, played clean and fairly. Then, they created the third team.

I know this is a strategy game and they have the right to chose the way they want to play. They are the best team and maybe got tired to beat everybody and needed new challenges. But, for us, this kind of war is pointless.

Let’s say that, for your honor, you go all in, invest a lot of planning and troops and win. Next war, or in a few days, you will face them again. Probably you can win 5/10 GPs and risk to lose about 1.500. Even if you win 9 out 10 wars, you still lose.

Like I said, I respect the right of LA to chose the way they want to play. But we have the right to not play along.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
This is not unique to KA. We faced a top 20 Ukranian alliance that had reformed into a new alliance. We lost 1500 glory and were knocked off the leaderboard. When the glory payout is based solely on the glory delta between the alliances, this kind of thing will go on and on...


Approved user
Jan 27, 2017
BeerMan , you are right. There are 19 teams in the top 100 and 10 in the top 50 with less than 10 players. One in each vive top teams can’t fight a war.


Approved user
Mar 7, 2018
Yeah it's a problem, as much as they have the rights to play the way they want, wen they do it and gain a onfair aventage it's no longer acepteble do so and same thing go for sandbaging... It's a problem and it's been there for a wile, happen to my theam.

In match making only the strength of the top 1/2 of a theam in war should count and glory decay should be implemented.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
For someone who doesn't pay much attention to leaderboard, this doesn't really matter and would recommend the developers to focus on more pressing issues with the game.

But for those the leaderboard matters - definitely the top spenders of the game - must get their voices heard and a solution must be prepared, no matter if it is not important for remaining 99%.

Also, knowing the history of BHG, they will just work on something completely useless and unrelated like the army summary screen before multiplayer, ignoring requests from all sections of their userbase.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Krieg, what KA is doing is just cheap. They can keep the leaderboard for themselves, but they are working hand in hand with NEXON to disgust End Game players.
KA players will leave the game soon if everybody would do as 1stD did. Make them pay for their superiority complex...