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Why do not you make medals ?


Approved user
Jul 21, 2017
Hello all !
I want to talk with you about you don't use the medals.

When I read you, I see you do not want to get into the medal levels.
You rushe the enemies, you take resources, and if you win it is good, if not worse, in any case you want to stay low in medals.

But I do not understand this strategy.
If you build a strong village, it is to defend, so not to lose against the other players. But if you do not want to lose, so much try to win, and so to step up gradually.

Second point: I hear a lot of complaints about the plunderers who come to take you your resources, whether with new helicopters or before with witches, or generally with raiders.
But when you're high on a medal, it just does not happen. I think it only happens twice a year. When a player attacks me, he tries to destroy me, often he wins, sometimes he loses, but it is never only for my resources.

And by the way, let's talk about resources: since by being between 2800-3000 medals, I take 137k gold and foods with each attack, just as a bonus base, without the other bonuses, nor the resources I take from my opponent , I am constantly full of gold, and never lacking food. I have already been above 3200 medals, and I won 220k with each victory.
At this kind this level, losing 500k gold and food, or 1 million, when one or two opponent attacks you no longer impacts. I resume them in two or three rapid attacks, even without deploying all my troops, just ARL44.

A final point is perhaps that you are attacked less often when you are low in medals. But with a strong village, and with all the resources outside, I guarantee you will not be attacked as soon as I close the application, and sometimes it takes several hours to be attacked even when I 500k gold/food to get me steal.

I think one good reason is oil.

As I do not want to lose my medals, I can not sacrifice all of my troops to take 5k of oil for several hours, and thus increase my tanks, my planes, as often as you. For me, getting more than 100k of oil is difficult in less than a week. And it's unthinkable to climb beyond 160k.
But so many buildings, studies at university or faculty cost gold, food, or less than 100k of oil, that I can already make all these improvements in expectation of the next era, Where I could then gain more oil on my attacks, and make these improvements.

And I think if you look at my city, you'll see that I do not really have a rickety city or a troubled army;)
I precise that the only time wich I paid is for a promotion last year, when i could buy the last house, with the number of crown that i need to improve the airport.

What do you think about it ?


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Approved user
Dec 19, 2015
I agree with you. I only log on 2 or 3 times a day, and almost never spend more than 15 minutes or so at a time. I mostly log on to make war attacks, collect resources, and check on the progress of upgrades. When I was starting out, the one thing I absolutely despised was waking up to find that I had been raided 6-10 times overnight by cowards using raiders to nibble at outlying farms or rushing mills and markets with no intention of winning. When they did the very first ninja event I was able to shoot up in medals from the 900 range to the 2100 range and have never looked back. I can't remember the last time I saw a moto raider rush on my base, and the predictability is very refreshing. I can always be certain that I will be attacked within a few minutes of logging off, but I also know that I now have a peace treaty too. And in most cases, I can replenish what I lost in just one raid, especially since the battle bonuses are much higher in that medal range. Also, I don't normally break peace treaties unless there's less than an hour left on it, or I know it will expire in the middle of the night, so I don't usually get a lot of diamonds from regular attacks. The chance of getting 3 every day at the dock is very helpful.

Basically, staying high in medals makes it a lot easier to keep my resources and doesn't make it any harder for me to acquire them when I want to, so I don't see a downside.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
I suppose it depends on where one is. On my 186 global base I find staying between 15-2100 medals pretty much puts an end to raider spam, sure it's replaced by British archer spam, but at least that gives peace treaties. Around that range I find I can usually manage a few attacks before my rebuilds become too lengthy.

​​​​I drifted up to 1750 medals on my 109 enlightenment account though and the attacks were constant. I had a stretch where I was attacked 4 times in 15 minutes in my log. So at that age the sweet spot seems to be roughly 700-1200 medals. Granted, the power gap between early-EA and late-IA is likely the largest in the game.

I like to be able to do 2-4 quick battles and know I can get ahead of my potential losses. I also like to at least have a chance at NTG'S and diamonds. Doing one all in attack and then having to wait hours for troops, planes, and tactics to rebuild doesn't appeal to me. Different strokes for different folks though.


Approved user
Jun 25, 2016
You are right, staying high with medals is better for players who log in 2-3 times a day on 15 minutes like you said. But for those a lot active than that it simply isn't. Why would an active player wait for troops to make and have much less attacks per hour than when low on medals where it is attack attack attack ? You lose couple of archers and that's it, while you can't 5 star bases in multiplayer when high on medals without some howitzers stepping on landmines and lot of other troops dead. You also mentioned about being raided 5-6 times when logged out low on medals, that is also not a problem for active players because they will attack 30 times or more. Everyone knows what suits them better..


Approved user
May 26, 2016
... without deploying all my troops, just ARL44...
Sorry, but i doubt you can 5 star a base with just ARL's. And without those 5 stars, no diamonds, no NTG's. You obviously not being in an alliance, don't need them for war, but what's the fun without warring?

About your base, level 9 walls in atomic, i wouldn't say you are doing so great collecting resources.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Worried about having a strong defense but mortars are no higher than enlightenment...


Approved user
Dec 10, 2015
Nice post. If you dont like attacked by tactical helicopter or raider, just climb the medal.


Approved user
Jun 21, 2017
I wouldn't even look at a base if it only had 137k gold.

NoMem Wilson

Approved user
Jul 15, 2015
Let's see, average about 3-400k food and gold and 2k oil, while losing very few troops means i can attack about 15 times an hour. Since i use transport my air rarely dies so i always have that extra source of killing power. That's about 4 million in both rss an hour.. Compared to 1 attack then 8 minutes to retrain for french means i can attack 4 times during a blessing. Let's not forget that after that first attack you now do not have tactics nor air that you need. When i play i wanna play. Thanks but no thanks. I'll continue to raid down to 400 medals where i can 5 star bases with just barrack troops and transport and kill my way back up to 3000 medals. Then when all i see is rss on the outside. I will train all raiders and raid back down.
my pet peave is the ones that just deploy 1 unit. Which bring level 219 with half atomic defenses and the rest ask global i get a lot of. How boring. At least when i drop medals i still earn a profit.
Raiders are a part of the game for a reason. If you are not using them you are not reaching the potential of your army. Do not complain about the people that do. Complain to BHG for giving us them
Also, if you don't want to get hit by raiders upgrade your walls, i don't use miners, they too expensive, so i only hit lvl 13 walls or lower, also instant army is cheaper with raiders. All raiders cost 40,800 food, i instant them for 8 crowns. Average time of attack is 2 minutes accounting for next oppopnent. So i can realistically make 25 attacks on the conservative side in a blessing, my max take in is 9 million gold and 8 million food in just 1 hour. My momey i'll spend it how i like.
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Approved user
Jan 27, 2017
I had up to 4K medals. Then dropped to 200. Now, I'm at 3.300. Personally, I prefer to be in higher leagues. The big problem is NTGs. You need them to stay competitive in wars at high level. And their are very hard to get in higher leagues. My stock is very low by now. If Nexon want to have players competing for the players leaderboard as they should, they need to offer a good reward in NTGs to wins at this level.


Approved user
Jun 21, 2017
Let's see, average about 3-400k food and gold and 2k oil, while losing very few troops means i can attack about 15 times an hour. Since i use transport my air rarely dies so i always have that extra source of killing power. That's about 4 million in both rss an hour.. Compared to 1 attack then 8 minutes to retrain for french means i can attack 4 times during a blessing. Let's not forget that after that first attack you now do not have tactics nor air that you need. When i play i wanna play. Thanks but no thanks. I'll continue to raid down to 400 medals where i can 5 star bases with just barrack troops and transport and kill my way back up to 3000 medals. Then when all i see is rss on the outside. I will train all raiders and raid back down.
my pet peave is the ones that just deploy 1 unit. Which bring level 219 with half atomic defenses and the rest ask global i get a lot of. How boring. At least when i drop medals i still earn a profit.
Raiders are a part of the game for a reason. If you are not using them you are not reaching the potential of your army. Do not complain about the people that do. Complain to BHG for giving us them
Also, if you don't want to get hit by raiders upgrade your walls, i don't use miners, they too expensive, so i only hit lvl 13 walls or lower, also instant army is cheaper with raiders. All raiders cost 40,800 food, i instant them for 8 crowns. Average time of attack is 2 minutes accounting for next oppopnent. So i can realistically make 25 attacks on the conservative side in a blessing, my max take in is 9 million gold and 8 million food in just 1 hour. My momey i'll spend it how i like.

You make a good point. I usually use training blessing and long range troops and drop medals by looting 😀


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I keep my medals in the 500 to 1000 range, and my average raid is around 400K food/gold and 1000 to 1500 oil. I don't lose many troops, so I can keep doing it over and over. When I was around 2000 medals, it became much more of a chore to find opponents and I would have to rebuild my army far more often. I'm happy down here in the basement.


Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
Though I see a trend that players lowering their medals to get access to more resources, I still like to stay at higher medals counts since it fits my playing style. I also attack only 2 times a day in multiplayer and don't see myself dropping my medals anytime soon. I am an Atomic base and can't afford constant raids to my oil resources.

I feel that the league bonus is little low for the league 2800+ I am in and Nexon should consider increasing the reward.


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
First a note, I am a level 211 atomic base with very high university upgrades and have been climbing to dynasty league for the past week in order to get the 2k crown bonus.

My experience thus far is that the league rewards are not anywhere close enough to make up for the extra loot you can get in a lower medal range. My base is strong enough that I don't have a problem of people trying to raid my oil very often at low medals. I am currently in empire 1 and intend to climb to at least dynasty 3 but don't think the rewards will be enough to compensate. Honestly they need to be substantially higher to make it worth it - I'm talking at least double with oil rewards tripled or more. Here's why:

At low medals I can hit bases with 400k food, 400k gold and 2500 oil and barely lose any troops. With a training blessing and a couple crowns I can loot absurd amounts of resources in a short time.

At high medals I can hit someone who has 500k/400k/3k oil but I will need alliance troops, tactics, attack and defense blessing, and, sometimes mercs. After this battle I may or may not have my planes/enough tactics to hit another base in a short amount of time. Assuming an ideal situation I get 3 attacks in a training blessing resulting in 1.5 mil/1.2m/9k oil + another 480k/480k/1k. Compared to the likely 4 mil + of food/gold and substantially more oil in lower leagues this is nothing. To make matters worse in higher leagues I will have to constantly rebuild planes which costs a lot of oil. At lower medals I never lose them (they are nearly 100% maxed at both armory and university).

I would really like to see Nexon make the incentives much much higher for climbing into leagues kingdom and higher. It should be a great reward rather than a punishment to do so.

The ways to do this would be to substantially increase the league bonuses, to make national trade goods come in much greater numbers in higher leagues and to also make trade goods come in much higher numbers. All of the blessings necessary burn through them rather quickly.

I also believe that howitzers should be nerfed when defending. In their current format attacking at high levels requires you to have a sabotage for their town center so thar these don't pop out and massacre your army or for you to suicide your planes to kill them as soon as they spawn. They should be strong, but not strong enough to kill 40 riflemen in a single shot.