Domi Vs CoC. Let's compare


Apr 9, 2015
First of all, I want to say that I haven't been playing CoC too much, mostly because of its cartoonish graphics. I just can't take it too seriously, but I played even more hardcore games similar to GoW in browser before. Even though CoC pioneered the whole genre on mobile, Domi has a number of unique advantages.


- better graphics (personal)
- deeper overall concept, variety of nations, real ages etc
- rally, better combat
- still more 'free-to-play' mostly due to Training Blessing which is not a 'paid' feature like in CoC. Returning troops is also a good bonus


- less cheaters, therefore more fair play
- alliance wars and more mature game due to longer development time
- faster pace at higher ages?

I know that there are many players playing both games or switching back and forth, so they probably can expand this list a lot.

My experience at higher ages combined with recent balance changes is that Domi advantages become weaker.

- Raider's combats we are forced to is far from fun and deep tactical combat for me
- Returning troops mostly become a myth, so it looks like this feature was disabled with balance tweaks
- nations imbalances are so huge, so it starts bringing more frustration than actual variety, especially to those who's nations were nerfed or never been too competitive
- faster building pace Domi had at the beginning turns to be slower at the latest ages

So the last real feature which still makes Domi better for me may be 'free' TB, especially for France. We still have to say a big huge thanks to devs for it. :)
Let's see if it's going to be sacrificed in favor of other parameters. What do you think?


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
I like the evolution with the ages. Better graphics. And possibly better combat once they get the right balance. Overall any advantages coc has is due to being out longer. Which makes the question. Will domi last long enough to mature to that level? Do u want to hang around through the growing pains. For me the answer to both is yes. Im a free player which means if i join a developed mature game i will always be 3rd string. Being 3rd string hurts my ego more than riding out a new release growing pains. With this game i can ride the leading edge of city development. Always fall behind when new age comes out but within spitting distance of the cheaters, payers which suites me just fine


Apr 9, 2015
There are other new games in genre of course where you could probably have the same high ranks, but they fall behind to these two so much imo. The good thing is that domi can establish connection with wide range of players... Old school civilation fans, bored CoC players, history fans, etc. btw, nexon is releasing path of war in the same genre too, targeting more game of war competition probably, but can hurt domi too a bit.


Approved user
Jun 18, 2015
"Returning Troops" are indeed a myth. I know I'm no master attacker but I have worked long and hard on perfecting a "combined arms" army that actually works. Post-nerfs it only worked by bullying lower aged crappy bases. Fortunately there were plenty of those while I was Gunpowder. Now that I'm Enlightenment it is almost impossible, every time I upgrade something I tell myself, "it will work this time." But it never does, the problem is not technique, I always win and I get the loot, the problem is my army never survives because time runs out. I'm not the only person having this problem, EVERY attack on my base using a combined arms (cannons, HC, etc.) has either failed or run out of time, not a single troop spawned has ever left alive. The most pointed example is an attack I received last night from a MAXED IA player using air units, heavy tanks, heroes, the works, he definitely won but he lost his entire army because he ran out of time with 2 defensive building left. A maxed IA player should be able to stomp an EA player with GP defenses... it was actually depressing to watch.


Apr 9, 2015
Yea, the british may be the last men standing in terms of returning armies, but I am affraid their days will be over too with IA defences. May be it was their plan for the last ages, who knows. In CoC they also target 2 stars mostly in the end game. Should they allow troops survive if you click 'end battle' and they are still alive?


Approved user
May 11, 2015
Where we are now with IA the length it takes things to upgrade will be a ridiculous amount to where we'll probably lose players past this age. Id love to see this game keep going on and on but length/price at some point will become almost impossible without spending 100+++ dollars. And seeing how its almost impossible for troops to return home after EA it'll be even longer for things to be done, and we can even think about the possibility of Horrid NERFings happening which will even bring it down more.


Approved user
Jul 20, 2015
The AI in coc is defenetly better, probably because it's been out longer like you said, the graphics are better in Dominations, no doubt about that. Clan wars are awesome, I hope Nexon adds alliance wars soon. I think that will bring a lot more players.


Approved user
Aug 4, 2015
Here is just my philosophy on dominations, take it slow and enjoy the age you’re in. Not all but most of the players I see tend to rush to the next age leaving key essential defenses or troops to play catch up. I’ve played CofC for quite some time and left it behind after playing Dominations. I have found it be more dynamic and when the alliance wars roll out I think it will prove to be the same. As we progress through the game the opponents will become more difficult and larger. I do believe if troops at the higher levels are having a hard time returning, they could benefit from an idea I posted about “white sails on the horizon” in the ideas column. Yes, things will get more expensive but that’s just another way to say $S,LOW,DOW,N00.00 taste your food. Anyway, that’s just the way I play and I still enjoy the game.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
I've been playing this game since early December. It's frustrating and fun at the same time. Back in March/April there was a major glitch when most of the peace treaties were failing, and as I was a top 10 player I kept getting the same few players in multiplayer mode. I remember attacking a certain annoying top player 13 times for 13 five star wins all within one hour. That was an enjoyable bug. COC, simply didn't hold my interest like this game has managed to do. DomiNations has better graphics and a more intuitive game least for me. This game would top COC if they could improve the troop AI and weed out the players who have hacked crowns. Unlike some players, I'm a genuine paying customer and have bought plenty of crowns through in-app purchases over several months...but when I face a hackers base...level 163 with maxed up walls, messages written with roads, and piles of gold...or get attacked by players with every merc, tactic, and blessing in deters me from purchasing further crowns. Hackers could still kill this game, as they put legit players off from buying crowns. BHG/ Nexon should make booting out hackers a priority, then this game will certainly grow in popularity.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
I left Coc for domi, it really is that much better. They do have a lot of problems to iron out in this game though.


Apr 9, 2015
For me, CoC graphics is blocking factor. I just can't take that game seriously. But you guys who played it, may be okay with it. So is this about nations feature? I can't say that I am happy with domi combats any more, but at the beginning I enjoyed them alot, so this is the second factor which is almost gone.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
I also left coc for domin. Domin reminds me of age of empires 2 and civ5. This game is new, so I'm hopeful they can continue to improve and develop this game. It's good that I joined this game early so now I have a solid full alliance.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
For me, CoC graphics is blocking factor. I just can't take that game seriously. But you guys who played it, may be okay with it. So is this about nations feature? I can't say that I am happy with domi combats any more, but at the beginning I enjoyed them alot, so this is the second factor which is almost gone.

I still have hope that the combat system can return to its former glory and surpass it


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
Yes, it reminds me of AOE 2 also. I was looking for a base building game as I always enjoyed games like AOE, The Settlers and Warcraft and these days games like that don't really exist so much. Not ones that appeal to me anyway. I tried Clash of Clans after starting playing Dominations but prefer Dominations. I find the graphics more appealing in Dominations and the battles more engaging. In Clash of Clans I'm still trying to work out a good combination of troops but have it sorted for now in Dominations. I can't comment on alliances/clans differences as I have never joined one, preferring to play alone.


Apr 9, 2015
It looks like starting 'hook' of returning army was replaced with TB to support non-stop gameplay what is basically good idea. But in terms of combat itself, it created issues, yes. May be they should allow end battle and return all alive troops come back too.

I can't wait you max attack and confirm that new units are awesome and you may use it not only for fun, but for efficient loot also ;)


Apr 9, 2015
Direct reference to AoE may not work also, because there is AoE mobile game now and it is nothing much actually. Probably graphics is also weaker and returning army at the beginning is the best feature ever, imo. I just can't play new games which do not have that now. Again, disabling this feature is sad for higher ages, but I am not sure if there are possibilities to work it around.


Apr 9, 2015
Oh, btw, I found tap titans game which helps a lot when you play waiting games like this one. Try it lol ))) and thank me later.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
It's more fun with an alliance. You get help with troops and people to talk to. I got bored of coc because I didn't join a clan.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I did consider joining an alliance a while back but at the time a lot of people were having their village swapped and I was concerned joining one could make me more likely to be a target, if accounts were being hacked rather than it just being a bug.