Search results

  1. Cryos

    University Research Times Bug

    I'm having an issue with University Research times. I start a research then log out and when I log back in the time to finish has increased from 14 hours to 16 hours. I assume this is a bug with either the atomium or the Enigma Machine. Even when I stop and restart the research it starts at...
  2. Cryos

    Enigma machine

    are you going to actually sell the enigma machine artifact or is it only going to given to the cheaters who top the leaderboard?
  3. Cryos

    Bring back old expedition rewards option

    I don't care if it's been about a year now or longer, I forget exactly how long. But I want the old expedition rewards back. especially since I think I found a set of museum artifacts I'm just going to stick with and I don't want more supplies benefactors and researchers, I want stuff I can...
  4. Cryos

    Can't make a purcahse

    I'm trying to buy another copy of the third tier research speed ups when my internet suddenly cut off. It came back but when I went to buy it again I just keep getting the message "you already own a copy of this" even though it says"unlimited" is there a way to fix this? I want to buy more...
  5. Cryos

    Stage 4 predictions

    Does anyone want to share their predictions for the stage 4 combat rebalance? My prediction is that walls will have their HP increased and their cost reduced, and wall miners will have their attack boosted to keep them competitive or rather necessary because every other unit will have a harder...
  6. Cryos

    Summer flashback sale

    What do you all think of this sale, in the midst of the rebalance I feel that were ignoring this a bit too seems like a good deal for the price but I'm not sure if it is so I want your opinions on this. A month ago I would have spent money on this without hesitation but right now I don't...
  7. Cryos

    Listen to your players

    Very simple idea: listen to your players and gag your shareholders, it shouldn't be too hard to do.
  8. Cryos

    Museum supply sale

    I just bought the first three levels of the museum supply sale and level 4 is just... researchers. is level 4 has a lot of supplies then I might get it but for now I'm gonna wait, unless someone else knows. Doe anyone else know what level 5 supply sale looks like?
  9. Cryos

    Where is th New University Leader?

    This "coming soon" notice on the new leader (I assume Wu Zetian) has been sitting on the university screen for ages and I have to wonder: Where is this new leader and what is she going to do? Is this a red herring or is it ever going to be done? Why wasn't this part of the recent update? Do you...
  10. Cryos

    New Museum Sale

    Who has bought the new blueprints museum sale? I want to know what the tiers unlock before I buy into this again, a bunch of blueprints aren't really worth it to me.
  11. Cryos

    Worthless New Legendary Artifact

    I saw the museum sale this morning and decided to go through it to at least see the new artifact. The supplies and Blueprints were at least substantial enough to be worth the buys. Thankfully I could see the new legendary artifact, the Stopler Revolver, before I bough it and... it's not worth...
  12. Cryos

    Dock level reset option

    TinSoldier I recently checked the wiki and I found out that more tools for the museum are available at lower dock levels. This is unfair to people who were already in the atomic age with an upgraded dock when the museum debuted which means were deprived of tools or means to acquire them. I'm...
  13. Cryos

    Demolition Tactic graphic change

    This has been bugging me for a while, but why does the Demolition tactic always stay a bundle of dynamite? The barrage changes from arrows to artillery shells so why not change the appearance of the demolitions tactic to something like C4 or a satchel charge or anything that looks more modern...
  14. Cryos

    GTD Alliance is looking for active members

    GTD Alliance was just forced to let go of two prominent members after over a month of inactivity, as a result we are looking for more members to join us. We are currently small, 12 members at time of writing, but we are looking for more active members. We would like players who are active on...
  15. Cryos

    University research times

    I know this is a constant problem but I still feel I need to bring this up. Please reduce the research time of university leaders: Leonardo da Vinci, Catherine the Great, King Sejong, Sultan Saladin, and Suleiman the Magnificent down to a reasonable time on par with all the leaders that have...
  16. Cryos

    Nexon, BHG, please remove the paid for chests

    I know this has come up before, but this time it's a bit more pressing. For those who haven't been keeping up (which isn't many of you) EA's incredibly scummy handling of Star Wars Battlefront II has finally pushed too far and brought the hammer of government legislation down on Loot Boxes in...
  17. Cryos

    Help with base design

    I've been staring at my atomic age base layout for a while now, and I realize, it sucks. I don't know what my problem is though, I just can't wrap my head around the layout needed to actually protect my base from attacks. Now I know I big problem is that my defensive structures are too weak to...