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  1. Z

    Best Gunpowder age wonder?

    I'm about to go to Gunpowder age as the Japanese and I'm still stuck on what wonder to choose, Tikal and Taj Mahal don't look very useful in my opinion so that leaves me with Versailles and the Angkor wat. Which one is better/useful?
  2. Z

    Network Connection Error

    Netowork Connection Error? Even if i have great connection it would always say Network Connection Error, and if i press try again it'll just send me to a loading screen and it gets stuck at a certain percentage. Help, please?
  3. Z

    Question about the Forbidden City

    Hello, i'm still a bit nooby at this game but i've been enjoying it so far. I was wondering if I choose the Forbidden City as Japan will it also be able to attack enemies like the Town Center? Thanks!