Best Gunpowder age wonder?


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
I'm about to go to Gunpowder age as the Japanese and I'm still stuck on what wonder to choose, Tikal and Taj Mahal don't look very useful in my opinion so that leaves me with Versailles and the Angkor wat. Which one is better/useful?


Approved user
May 28, 2015
all Wonder is useful , but it's depend to Your base layout Design . Versailles one of best GP wonder After Destroy still kept Effection In your base , Slow Down Invanders


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I actually like versailles more for it's 10% hp boost to all offensive and defensive troops (as opposed to it's 40% slow rate, as the AoE is only a small 3 square radius). However many in my alliance like Angkor Wat- I think it's a 20% heal every 3 seconds (off top of my head). I chose versailles because I have several defensive advantages already: Chinese nation producing defenders from tc, colloseum wonder producing defenders, and Acropolis within range of all garrison/stables/colluseum producing great spawn rate. So versailles gave me a slight boost to my offense (while also boosting defense a bit too). I think you should get into gp age and get a feel for it before making a wonder choice. You'll make a better decision once you can evaluate your gp needs- for example, maybe you start getting attacked more from EA players (that will now have access to raiding you), and perhaps your defenses don't do well enough- in that case Angkor might be better. Good luck with your choice!


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I went with the Versailles wonder (playing as Greeks) because I wanted the 10% health bonus for my troops (more useful to me). Hopefully it also prevents invading armies attacking from that side of the base, which could prove useful. Time will tell since it only finished building yesterday. The Angkor Wat wonder looks good too but ideally needs placing in the middle so it could get in the way of good base design and leave other buildings unprotected.


Approved user
May 31, 2015
I'm playing Japanese too, and I went with Angkor Wat to combo with Acropolis and Colosseum: Colo to produce defenders, Acro to buff them and speed up spawning, and Angkor to heal them and my General set on defense (Angkor Wat also has a pretty huge radius compared to Versailles). The three bonus goods per day (four if you're in Enlightenment Age) I use for blessings and mercenaries. I was tempted to change to Versailles to help in attacking, but decided to check out what the top players are using. I went to the leaderboards and saw that the top three players were all using Angkor Wat.


Approved user
Jul 25, 2015
If you check out the top players bases they either payed a ridiculous amount of money or hack, the upgrades in IA are all a week plus and most finished way too much way too early to deserve any respect. Anything they chose didn't get them where they are and shouldn't be used as any form of deciding anything for yourself. Just for noting, the 10% health bonus puts your troops one age ahead on health and you attack way more than you defend. So usually attack bonuses pay more than defend bonuses.


Approved user
May 31, 2015
Actually, I went ahead and changed Angkor Wat to Versailles, primarily for two reasons:

1. My defense is already decent (since I'm Japanese), and I really needed a way to augment the health of my troops. My unique troops, Ashigaru, have high dps, but average hp, so I wanted to give them more hp so they could take dish out damage and still come home to tell the tale.

2. I've had Angkor Wat for quite some time, and the best way to utilize it is to put it right in the center of your base and protect it. Over time, the situation has become more of a liability rather than an asset. Changing to Versailles gives me one less building to protect, and one more building to use as a buffer against enemy troops.


Approved user
Jul 25, 2015
What do you mean actually, it sounds to me like you agree and converted from your previous thinking, therefore no longer have Angkor. By the way the top players don't have Angkor, it is split between the two. You will like the switch tho.


Approved user
May 31, 2015
I still stand with what I said regarding Angkor Wat being awesome. However, I decided to switch to Versailles because the situation currently calls for it. (Need for hp boost and layout change lacking space for it in the middle.)