2,500 crowns for $0.99


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
They answered it "But we have allready fixed the price in the store and have placed measures to prevent this from happening again. "
So the normal price is back and measure have been taken to prevent it happening. As no other stuffs have been mentioned (roll back, refunds, offering same deal to everyone etc) has not been mentioned, I will assume that this has been blown under the carpet.


Approved user
Mar 17, 2018
Thanks NEXON FOR MY 225.000 Crowns ! My Saladin îs 81 % ready and waiting for bug fix :) in my rush to spend the crowns a loot of them I use to buy resources and getting instant bunker , bazooka in academy etc, it was a mistake .. but 85.000 crowns was use for Saladin :) I thinking is a good investment:).Don,t disappointed me , please make another offer for crowns :). For the moment no more crowns :(( . I wait the offer :))). BIG HUGE HUG .
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Approved user
Feb 20, 2017
No, look. Nexon fixed this by doing what they are best at, which is doing nothing.

If they didn't do nothing, they would be forced to do something.

And if they did anything other than nothing, they'd either create a different bug for us to deal with or break some other aspect of the game.

So by doing nothing, it's the best and safest course of action for us all.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I keep saying it, but you guys just won't accept it. There's nothing else they can realistically do about it at this point. Deal with it.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Festivus What they choose to do is up to them, and whether it will satisfy anyone is an open question. But you continue to say they can't really do anything, when it is obvious they have a wide range of possible responses. One of those options is the one you menioned - vaguely apologetic post, no other changes, and hope it goes away. Let upset players stew, and less upset ones forget about it.

They clearly have the power in the game environment they created to reverse charges, roll back progress, and take back the crowns. That might be a difficult option, it might get them sued (many of us consider that doubtful for these amounts, but possible) and it might irritate more people than it helps. But technically, they have full control over the game world and could definitely make it happen.

And they could do nothing about those who got the sale, but still make a gesture to acknowledge frustration and help people feel a little better about them. Say 2500 crowns for every player who has made a purchase in the last two months, but not at the time of the sale, with an apology in the inbox for the mistake. Or across the board, if targeting is too difficult - crowns and apologies cost them nothing, and might earn back some of the good will they have lost.

I don't think their current path of silence is a good choice. Not very hopeful that they will make a better one, but for the good of the game I hope they find a better option than a generic "we are looking into it" that sits out there until people move on.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
I will say that the current offers just don’t look all that good anymore knowing I could of got crowns for a buck if only I woke up earlier.

So many with maxed universities. You will start to see Bases, much lower level than you, crush you in battle.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Could they roll back the entire game for a week? Probably. Would it be a good idea on any level at all? No, it would not. It would anger the entire player base for no good reason, and would do far more damage than the original glitch did.

They could offer a token crown grant like you said, although that is also probably more difficult than it sounds. And while it might make you feel better - and I wouldn't have any problem with it at all - it's not going to "fix" the problem.

You guys are babies when it comes to demanding they acknowledge it and grovel, kiss your behinds. They already acknowledged it and said they're investigating. When they're ready, they'll do something. And even if they don't say anything else, that still changes nothing.

My main point - and I'm going to keep saying this - is that the solutions that people keep asking for are almost certainly not happening. It's not going to be reversed. It's not going to be remedied in a completely "fair" way. That's basically not possible at this point. And any remedy or compensation is likely to be underwhelming. Deal with it, it's the new reality, and move on.

The more you people dwell on this, the more bitter you become, and the less readable this forum becomes. I don't blame Nexon for that at all - that's 100% forum-borne whining.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
Eight days to investigate and still nothing, I think we need to get Sherlock Holmes on this case. :cool:


Approved user
May 18, 2016
You really think they are investigating anything? Just waiting for us to get bored with complaning or till they f@@k something else up and that takes our attention.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
They knew what happened just few minutes after they found this bug, either:
1. John S. who was suppose to update the prices was in such a hurry for home, he didn't realize he put dot or price in the wrong place/column, etc. They know the name of that guy :)
2. They got hacked bcs their in game security suck so much and hacker changed the price. They figured it out and they had to reset the admins passwords from 1234 to probably 4321 :rolleyes:

Either way they know it everything. Now imagine you are in their position and it looks like this - DEV TALK:
dev1: Let's stay quiet, maybe nobody notice?
dev2: Oh s**t, they did notice!

dev1: Let's pretend that we didn't hear, maybe they will go away?
dev2: Oh s**t, they didn't go away!

dev1: Now we have to pretend that we are doing sth with it...
dev2: Let's pretend that we investigate. Want a donut?

dev1: Ok, tell TinSoldier to tell them that we are investigating. Do you have any with chocolate and colorful sprinkle?
dev2: Sure, here you go. So how was your weekend?

dev1: Wonderfull. I visited Seatlle for this new job. They want me to kill another game, they were so impressed with my results on this one.
dev2: I admire you. Those bugs you implement with every new update... so brilliant!

dev1: Well, I couldn't make it without you.
dev2: Eh, I just copy-pasted some code in random places in university. Want another donut?

dev1: Sure, how many donuts are left?
dev2: Well, I bought 4 donuts. You ate 1 and I ate 1, so from my calculations we should have 3 left...

TinSoldier: Guys, they won't let go. They want to know what happened and what are we going to do about it. Plus they make funny dev talks on our forum. I must admit, they are really funny ;) But I must tell them something. What are you doing?

dev1: Investigating... Want a donut...?

...to be continued...


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
If I found out the liquor store near me had lowered it’s prices am I going to never buy wine again because I was bummed about missing out on the sale?
I think there’s a very good chance I’d be buying some wine again in the future. :D


Approved user
May 6, 2016
it is ridiculous that nothing happen! What are you waiting for Nexon?
you will not get any more money from me...


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Hehehe! Great stuff! Now I'm really torn.... What am I waiting for the most? The continuation of your chat session, or a resolution to Apocalypse Now?


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
After they investigate this bug, and they become fully aware what happened, do you really expect from them to tell you the truth?
I certainly don't