3 ideas for a better experience


Approved user
May 8, 2015
Please, have patience with me. I'm posting on my phone so I can't do separate paragraphs. I'll try to keep this short. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. After a battle, there should be an option that says "next match" so that we don't have to click home every time. Who said I was done raiding? It'd be much simpler. --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Three archers on a tower that only shoot at 1 person? No sense whatsoever. Please consider making them 3 or 2-person shooters. If I have to upgrade them that much, why should they only shoot at 1 person? ------------------------------------------------------- 3. This idea may seem like a bit of work, but imagine being in an alliance and getting a notification in the chat that one of your allies is being attacked. There can be an option to watch the attack live and/or donate troops. Of course, there'd be a limit of how many troops can be donated, and only one person can donate. That'd be cool.
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Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
I like your first idea, it does save time with the whole loading screen thing. For the second idea, perhaps the devs can do something like the tower can hit multiple targets, but does reduced damage to balance it out. As for your third idea, can you elaborate, do you mean donating troops while the ally is being attacked or do you mean something else, because it seems to be a good idea to promote teamwork and a sense of cooperation within alliances.


Approved user
May 15, 2015
First idea is nice, but the second I think could be a bit OP (unless you wanna lower the damage each archer deals per shot) but is also a great idea that makes a lot more sense than having the other archer mindlessly stare at the enemy. as for 3 I think that there should be the option to share replays of battles, whether attacking or defending instead.


Approved user
May 8, 2015
Reduced damage would make sense. I just think that having 3 people on a tower and only one shooting at one person is rather useless. And yes, to donate troops while the ally is being attacked. Like 3-4 footsoldiers/archers. Or 1 knight, but that the dps not be so high or the hp, but just a bit more buffed than a regular defender or cataphract from your stables. It would be a sense of teamwork, indeed.


Approved user
May 8, 2015
Mhm, decreased dps but at least have them shooting at several people, not one individually. I agree with my idea, and yours. For example, whoever is online and ready to deploy troops for you when you are being attacked can do so. And watch the battle to see how it's going to turn out. But when there are those who are not online and couldn't see the battle, then it is at that moment that you could share your replays with them. I feel both of these ideas should be implemented. But if we won't be able to see a live battle, then at least still be able to donate troops in the time of need and also send the replays after the battle is finished.


Approved user
May 15, 2015
Imagine like everyone donating though and outnumbering the enemy, that would be a problem lol


Approved user
May 8, 2015
Yeah, but that's why I wrote that only one person could donate, for that same reason you mentioned. The person to donate would have to race to donate, unless you're in a few member alliance, lol. Even if only one person could donate, everyone else would still be able to watch the battle if they're online. I think it would make the game even more exciting.