A few alliance and general ideas and feature requests.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
Part of the advantage of being in an alliance is an ability to share strategy and information. Enabling the ability to share replay with others would be a valuable asset. Also, it would be great to be able to share intelligence gathered in game, such as look at this players layout strategy for protecting resource, etc. Another extension of this is to post battles to YouTube.

Allow direct messages to individual alliance members via the mailbox.

No need to notify the player of an offensive attack via mail. Just to be clear having a list of attacks is great, but you don't need to alert us that we have just attacked someone, it's evident.

More roles. Leader, Officers, Council, Minister of War, etc. Incorporate an officer only chat area. To add to that. It would be a great way to keep people active, expanded roles with assigned tasks to oversee. For instance, an alliance log would be great, any incoming/outgoing attack gets recorded onto the alliance log. Any member can view (replay) the battles in the log. One example of a role, an officer can be assigned to help other members with base layout design and or troop plotting and other exploits based on the information gleaned from the log.

It would be entertaining to be able to see an attack in real time, say you log back in during one.

Alliance members should be able to request troop types.

Upgrade league rewards once again. Maybe a weekly reward for having stayed in ranking, like complete one upgrade instantly (you still have to work for the upgrade, you can just complete construction instantly.) Or perhaps a one day peace treaty.

Alliance battles are much needed and greatly anticipated!! Aside from Alliance vs Alliance battles, or Nations vs. Nations. etc, historic battle recreations would present interesting variations. Maybe there can be a area (page) that would highlight the alliance battle stats, also a trophy page for spoils of war, earn so many trophies and you can unlock unique battle dress which provides a slight advantage when worn, or maybe claim a peace treaty or certain amount of crowns, etc.

Just a few ideas that came to mind, more later. Thank you!
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Approved user
Apr 3, 2015
Maestro, what alliance are you in?

(My Suggestion) : I Agree with you. The developers should put more roles in the Alliance. It is better because i dont like the way having more Council's. That is like being a Secondary Vice Leader.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
I am in Art of War and Darkhorse (newly formed.)

To add to that. It would be a great way to keep people active, expanded roles with assigned tasks to oversee. For instance, an alliance log would be great, any incoming/outgoing attack gets recorded onto the alliance log. Any member can view (replay) the battles in the log. One example of a role, an officer can be assigned to help other members with base layout design and or troop plotting and other exploits based on the information gleaned from the log. (I'll add this to the main body above.)


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
Yes I am the leader of both, look us up on alliance search! Art of War with the dragon flag. I have just set up Darkhorse and have not promoted that one yet, it's a second alliance in the works.

Gaitchs Gangmei

Approved user
Jul 4, 2015
Alliance vs Alliance war please.. no player battle its boring now. i think il move on to other games with clan battle


Approved user
May 28, 2015
All good ideas. But this one is a great idea!

Alliance members should be able to request troop types.

Maybe we can have a request button below the troop type and + / - buttons with a number field. You just add how many troops of that type you need and hit request. Once you hit your maximum, the request button can be disabled. Just like the current alliance request button.