Advanced Reconstruction in Library


New member
Sep 21, 2018
Hi, first post here, been playing a few years so bear with me please if I make any mistakes. :)

So I have a question regarding the Advanced Reconstruction research in the library. Specifically with the discount on making 5 Artifacts at a time. I have the full book unlocked and I have the extra video to watch per day. So my question is - is it a discount of 25 or 50 fragments we get when creating 5 fragments at a time?

It says 25 less in both chapters 2 and 4, so to me that SHOULD be a discount of 50 fragments total. And it DOES even give this to me. However I went and posted a support ticket with regards with a bug with this system and am being told by both support and a "Game Master" that it is in fact only a 25 fragment discount we get. Effectively telling me the bug I am reporting - does not exist (which by the way does not really effect the bonus cost anyway lol).

If this is true so why not give that CORRECT information in the chapter descriptions and why even have a second one there stating it again for chapter 4? Basically a bonus that does nothing...

Please can someone here with any REAL info help me or please post your experience's with this research bonus from the said Library branch. Maybe you too have seen the bug I am trying to report to them and get fixed......

Thank you. :)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
now that I am reading it carefully, my craft cost was 475. I have finished that research and now it is 425. Seems to be working correctly. This is a one per day thing. Not constant


New member
Sep 21, 2018
Yes I understand that, that is not the bug. I am just annoyed that the people who are supposed to be creating/running the game treat us like garbage when we are only trying to help them to keep the game running as intended. :(

Thank you for your reply. :)