Alliance War as well as Alliance Progressing Idea!


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
Hi, I know for sure that it will take a lot of time until Alliance Wars enter this game because it is still in it's earlier stages unlike a game that has been around for quite some time (I'm looking at you, Clash of Clans), but anyway I would like to suggest my own unique way of having alliance wars as well as alliance level progression. If you like this idea please keep this thread active so that Nexon may recognize it. :)

Alliance Level Progression
In the real world, money or resources determine power. A wealthy nation/alliance is a strong nation/alliance, thus it would make sense that there should be an Alliance "Bank" in the alliance gate (non-lootable) wherein players may donate Food and gold (or even trade goods) into the Alliance "Bank". These resources may NOT be given to any player since it would imbalance the game, but may be used by the Alliance Leader to Level up the Alliance AND buy upgrades for the alliance that will benefit all of its members (however, this should only improve the gameplay environment and not cause severe imbalancing between players to the point that any player in a high level alliance can easily beat a player in a low level alliance).

Example: The leader can spend 100k Gold (Contributed by the players, more details to be explained later in my post) to upgrade the Alliance level to level 2, which would take 1 day. Besides using gold, the Alliance should have accumulated a certain amount of donated troops (i.e. 5,000 total donations for a level 2 upgrade). At alliance level 2 a research may be done (works similar to a library, except you use the gold from the alliance bank) wherein the maximum number of players in the Alliance shall be increased by 5 (this may continue for 10 alliance levels eventually having a max alliance size of 100). In addition to that, another research may be done where the loot bonus in a league is increased by 10% per alliance level (Maximum of 100% bonus at Alliance level 10).

Of course, the devs can also think of other upgrades. This feature would really put MORE value into alliances which have active members. On top of that, the alliance needs NOT to be active in wars to progress in level, they just need to have active members willing to contribute for the betterment of the alliance.

Why would this improve the success of the game? Because players are more than likely to play a game longer if they have people to interact with. Some players get bored because there is not enough involvement in an Alliance - request troops here, donate troops there, push some medals, then farm some and repeat. The repetitiveness in ANY game would make it stale in the long run, there should always be some extent of interaction between players and having these alliances that encourage interaction would be enough to keep many more players hooked longer.

Alliance Bank Donation System (For the topic above)

How should the alliance bank gain resources?
The player's age shall determine how much gold he/she may donate on a daily basis. It has to be a once a day activity so players will be encouraged to play everyday, on the other hand, a limit is placed on the player so that it will be impossible for a single or a handful of players to efficiently progress an Alliance.

Iron: 1,000G/day (So a starting alliance who needs 100k gold for level 2 may easily reach 100k
Gunpowder: 10,000G/day (Say it'll be in the millions to upgrade to a ~level4 alliance)
Industrial: 100,000G/day (Tens of millions to upgrade to a ~level7 alliance)
Space: 500,000G/day (100million accumulated gold for a level10 alliance?)

How shall the donated troops be accumulated?
The obvious problem here is that players can make an alliance wherein random people will request for troops and leave right away to make space for other players who will request for troop allowing the donation requirement to be reached easily (the same issue will persist on gold accumulation). This may easily be resolved by applying a rule such that at a specific server time, once a day, the donated troop total as well as the current donated gold is "locked" into the alliance. What this means is that if you donate 10k gold with 100 donations in one day, if you are in the alliance at that specific server time, those will be counted in the Alliance "Bank". But if you leave the alliance before that server time, the 10k gold will not be refunded and will not be locked in the alliance bank either (same goes with the donations)

Alliance War Idea
Wars should be between alliances with the same participant count (similar to Clash of Clans' 10,15,...,50). Other than that the wars should be funded ahead of time. This would be possible by using up the Alliance Bank gold (Should cost a small amount of gold and should be directly proportional to the sum of the troop spaces of every participating player).

By having enough funding for a war, every participant shall be entitled to build their "war" army instantly and for free(it was funded ahead of time so the price of the army has already been paid). This war barracks shall be separate from the players regular army for several reasons:
1. The Romans 10% bonus shall NOT affect this War Barracks preventing a spam of powerful alliances with purely roman armies.
2. Unique units are disabled for war armies to provide a perfect playing field for all players
3. The player may not use the war barracks troops on regular raids (They are independent from each other)
4. The player may continue to casually raid while their war army is already prepared.

-For even more balancing, nation bonuses such as China's extra defenders and Japan's attacking Town Centers are also disabled.-
-And to keep it fair, a "War Base' may NOT use Wonders (researched upgrades SHOULD still be in effect).
-To keep it challenging, temple buffs are disabled during wars.
-Mercenaries MAY be used!
-War alliance troops are chosen personally by the player (unique units are still disabled)

War Map as well as base layouts:
1. Every player is entitled to design three different war bases(if they're lazy they may keep it all the same!) and are allowed to attack twice in a war.
2. The war base shall have enough space as if every forest in the game were cleared out.
3. No wonders may be built in a war base.
4. The "skin" of every unit and buildings should be based on whatever nation their leader is using (To make the alliance war feel as if it's really two different nations or the same nation in a civil war)
5. War map will be made in such as fashion so that a player may ONLY attack bases with an age that can normally be searchable. (A Gunpowder base may never attack a Classical Base, etc)

War Gameplay:
1. If a player had already been attacked thrice in a single war, that base may no longer be attacked (congrats to you if you were never scored on)
2. A player may use all their attacks on the same opponent (because of the three different bases rule)
3. The defending alliance troops may be chosen personally by the player because it has already been funded in advance.

I don't want the wars to feel like some simple game where high level players may attack the lowest level players for an easy 5 stars, I want the players to feel challenged in every war because that's the point of it all.

It should be done in a way so that it is guaranteed that every player has at least one opponent to attack
It should NOT be based on the level of a player (or else people would never upgrade their roads since they give so much exp with minimal effort)

The war reward shall be more Alliance Bank "Gold" as well as giving food and gold to all who participated in the war (even if your attack failed but your team won you should still get a reward). The reward is proportional to the players' rank in the alliance (Not the rank based on medals, similar to the ranking system in Clash of Clans' war map)
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Approved user
Aug 4, 2015
Those are some great ideas and I'll bump this up. You should check out my spoils of war post it fits in with what you have here.