Inaccurate replays
I realize people have mentioned this in some individual posts in the forum, but it deserves a thread of it's own as an official bug report because it's very inaccurate of the events that actually took place. I wasn't sure at first if I was just imagining this but I made a point of actually monitoring and recording the events to determine if there actually was a descrepency, and there is a considerable one. In my original battle, I destroyed all the gold and food resource buildings and took everything, however in the replay (which shows I received 2 stars in the replay list) my army is completely destroyed before I even get to the market and mill buildings showing that I only got a small amount, and says at the end that I only got 1 star(instead of the 2 I actually earned). This makes the replays rather pointless, and if I watch one where I was attacked, I'll never be able to depend on its accuracy to determine how to better my base layout. In my opinion, this is a serious issue/bug since people depend on this to determine what happened when their base was attacked (well, it would be important IMO).