• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Am I missing something? Battle error?!?


Approved user
Jan 31, 2015
I'm not sure whether I'm missing something. I just logged on to see I'd been beaten in battle. I checked the replay and it ends with my opponent only getting 18% of my base. When the replay finishes it says I won the battle but I've lost medals and now have a long shield. I've only being playing a couple of days so I'm not sure whether I'm missing something and I did in fact lose, or whether this is a bug?!?


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Approved user
Jan 14, 2015
Are you sure it was only one attack? Could you have missed one? Regardless this game is still working out the bugs. It's not even officially released yet. So expect some bugs.


Approved user
Jan 5, 2015
In previous games that I have played, similiar bugs have occured

From my previous experience, I would personally say the information in the defense log is the information you should go with. In my 'previous' game, the game took commands from the attacker and they later redo these commands during the replay. Once in a while, the replay would show the incorrect information.

I may be completely wrong or I may be completely correct. It's up to the next dev reply :)

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Approved user
Feb 19, 2015
Inaccurate replays

I realize people have mentioned this in some individual posts in the forum, but it deserves a thread of it's own as an official bug report because it's very inaccurate of the events that actually took place. I wasn't sure at first if I was just imagining this but I made a point of actually monitoring and recording the events to determine if there actually was a descrepency, and there is a considerable one. In my original battle, I destroyed all the gold and food resource buildings and took everything, however in the replay (which shows I received 2 stars in the replay list) my army is completely destroyed before I even get to the market and mill buildings showing that I only got a small amount, and says at the end that I only got 1 star(instead of the 2 I actually earned). This makes the replays rather pointless, and if I watch one where I was attacked, I'll never be able to depend on its accuracy to determine how to better my base layout. In my opinion, this is a serious issue/bug since people depend on this to determine what happened when their base was attacked (well, it would be important IMO).


Thanks for pointing this out. Anytime you run into bugs, please send a detailed support ticket from within the game. That ticket will provide us with various information that will allow us to figure out the issue. This is a bug we are working on. Thanks for your patience and keep up the good work. It really does help when you write in about stuff like this.


There is currently an error with the replays and we are working on fixing the problem. I am moving this into bugs and known issues.


Approved user
Feb 19, 2015
Another issue with the replays is that all but 4 of my replays were suddenly deleted when I just restarted the game, and the oldest one says it was recorded 2356 weeks ago :/ somehow the replay dates are getting corrupted. I'm not sure what the threshold is for the number of replays the user has access to, but I hope it's at least a few weeks. I like watching them to help with attack/defense strategies.


Approved user
Feb 19, 2015
If you're going to merge my thread with this one, at least change the title of the thread so it relates to the issue... "Replays are inaccurate". The current title wouldn't lead one to think it has anything to do with replays, hence the reason I never read this thread and created a new Thread.