Any tip on how to win World Wars?


Approved user
Jul 1, 2016
In my alliance we do the mirror +1. If I'm the 5, in the first I will attack the 6. For the second attack we choose for someone 2 or 3 places ahead of that first attack. If I attacked the 6, then I will attack 8 or 9.

I don't know what we are doing wrong but we keep losing. In some wars our attacks are good but our defense not. In others wars our defense and attacks doesn't work. Most of us have the best troops our age can offer but the opponent defense is so strong that sometimes with luck we do 3 stars. I'm in atomic age and my troops are the best the game can offer.

I would like to know what we need to improve our defense, offense and opponent selection in World Wars.

- How to have the best defensive base possible according to each age?

- What's the best troops combination to get 5 stars?

- What's the best way to maximize the total amount of stars? (Opponent selection).


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
At least in principle, the best strategy is to have your strongest (or most able) player use his two attacks on the two strongest enemy bases, have the second-strongest player attack the third and fourth strongest enemy bases, etc.

In practice, though, things don't always go as planned--not every attack is successful--and you'll have to tweak this strategy to find something that fits your alliance.

Kaiser Shag

Approved user
Aug 21, 2016
We use the mirror technic for the first attack, 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 etc. and for the 2nd attack we discuss on the chat taking into account the results of the first wave to decide the next target for everyone.
We win 90% of our wars, the 10% left are sandbagging alliances where we have to face nuclear age lvl 210 and more (the highest lvl in our alliance is me with lvl 191) which easily destroy all our bases ..


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017
We have just won our 12th in a row.

plus 2, then cleanup in round 2.

its all about education. We find most members, even high level players with good skill are missing some key points of elite game play. Offensive skills, tactics, troop mix, strategy to take down well built bases, defense upgrades, base design etc

In Dominion Jedi, access to wars means our members must be in our LINE room. We share all tricks and tips, encourage screen shots, membrs make videos of attacks for others to watch.

we find fix the tiny things, and the sins keep flowing.

communication, colaboration and sharing ideas is the key


Approved user
Oct 5, 2015
Every war is different. Every player is different. The rank of a warbase is not the rank of the attacker. So mirror +/- whatever works sometimes but a good team knows where they need to attack. I have allies with killer WBs but have to attack down 10 bc of their troops. Also the opposite warbases ranked low but their attack is just as deadly as lvl 220 player(level 170s) Every new ally in my alliance is considered in training until the balance is figured out. Practice, warbases need to be reviewed for flaws, communication and allies must be addressed if they are consistantly getting 3 stars or lower. You have to have 1 strong player who is willing to address issues with allies. Being a jerk, or any one acting like a jerk is no good. Getting the group to work together is the real war. silent partners & rogue attackers need to go. New recruits must get with the program! I also alternate wars btw those over lvl 150 & those under 150. Better matches, less stackers easier to manage wars around 15-25 people. Oh & there must be a penalty for missing attacks. You sit out next war in my alliance, miss too many & booted. RL first & forgiveness for mussing occational attack


Approved user
Jul 1, 2016
We change the way we do wars. Now we give more freedom to each player to choose who he want to attack. Attacking but not abusing. The player must choose a balanced enemy which he can make the 5 stars. Right now we have won 3 wars in a row and 1 of them was perfect. The first perfect war for our alliance.


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
We sometimes have opponents that use the mirror tactic and it doesn't seem to work well. It's far too rigid. For us, we want stars, so we ask members to attack enemies they think they can get 5 stars and then of course, attack those that are left over. Works usually well.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
We keep attacking the 2 weakest bases of the opponent and we usually got all our attacks in and mostly 5 stars... The system though seems to ignore our feat and gives us only 10 stars at the end instead of 300, what we mostly get. It is ridiculous! I have learned, that there is a bug in World Wars and the dev team is working to fix that, but the fix is taking too long for my taste... it is more than a year, that this bug is here!


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
Radzeer, forgive me for maybe being misinformed or perhaps you're joking, but you do know every base is worth 5 stars and the winner is the team that gets the most stars on ALL bases. Attacking the bottom 2 will of course only give you 10 stars because that's the maximum you can get from those bases. In a 10 V 10 war you have a maximum of 50 stars available across all bases and each size war up from that provide an additional 25 at each level.

Like I said I really hope you're being sarcastic..Otherwise your team has been doing it VERY wrong for a very long time...In which case I would strongly recommend finding a new team straight away.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Thank You, Blacknife, but you sound like the Customer Support, aren't you working for NEXON, buddy?
I dont believe you a word, as we don't believe CS at all... they keep promising and nothing is done...
I see the stars being displayed each time we get a 5 star victory, I believe my eyes more than to some academic equilibrium!
Peace mate :)


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
What he means to tell you is this: Only the attack which wins the most stars against a given base will count for purposes of world war scorekeeping. You are seeing stars being displayed after each subsequent attack because the attacker has met the various conditions for victory on an individual level--taking the Town Center, achieving 50% destruction, etc.--but it adds nothing to your alliance's score.

Once one player has drawn five stars from an enemy base, you guys need to avoid hitting it again.


Approved user
Dec 14, 2015
We keep attacking the 2 weakest bases of the opponent and we usually got all our attacks in and mostly 5 stars... The system though seems to ignore our feat and gives us only 10 stars at the end instead of 300, what we mostly get. It is ridiculous! I have learned, that there is a bug in World Wars and the dev team is working to fix that, but the fix is taking too long for my taste... it is more than a year, that this bug is here!


10 stars is all you will ever get using that strategy...I hope you are joking. Blackknife and Pil_dee are correct. Each enemy base can be attacked multiple times but only the best attack counts. So if your first attack gets 5 stars then you are done with that base for the war. Attack some of the other bases instead. In fact, attack all of them.

nikki bella

Approved user
May 12, 2016
Radzeer 🤓

I find it intriguing to hear about alliances that have it so fine tuned, they know exactly who to send into each base... British to shoot over white walls for example. Whatever method you choose, you get your best results when you can assess your player's potential accurately as well as the difficulty of the opposition. That takes skill. The simple method of going with mirror, or mirror plus whatever.... Will ensure you stay low in glory points. Some of the best attackers are lower ranked due to clever use of selective upgrading. Some of the worst are hopelessly rushed.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Ah, thanks guys for the valuable input here, although I don't get a word from your academic debate.
This game is all about getting stars I have learned... the easiest way to get stars is to attack Iron Age bases when you are in Gunpowder Age (I've spent more than two years to get there whereas until WW was introduced I had to attack hard Medieval or Classical Age bases). Thank's God Nexon introduced WW and the sandbagging there, otherwise I would have been screwed...
I might even try to advance to Enlightment Age and then maybe I might try to attack other bases as those from the Iron Age...


Approved user
Sep 4, 2016
Ah, thanks guys for the valuable input here, although I don't get a word from your academic debate.
This game is all about getting stars I have learned... the easiest way to get stars is to attack Iron Age bases when you are in Gunpowder Age (I've spent more than two years to get there whereas until WW was introduced I had to attack hard Medieval or Classical Age bases). Thank's God Nexon introduced WW and the sandbagging there, otherwise I would have been screwed...
I might even try to advance to Enlightment Age and then maybe I might try to attack other bases as those from the Iron Age...

Best thing I've read on here.


Approved user
Jan 24, 2016
Ah, thanks guys for the valuable input here, although I don't get a word from your academic debate.
This game is all about getting stars I have learned... the easiest way to get stars is to attack Iron Age bases when you are in Gunpowder Age (I've spent more than two years to get there whereas until WW was introduced I had to attack hard Medieval or Classical Age bases). Thank's God Nexon introduced WW and the sandbagging there, otherwise I would have been screwed...
I might even try to advance to Enlightment Age and then maybe I might try to attack other bases as those from the Iron Age...

Two years to get to Gunpowder Age?!


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Yeah two full years... Im not playing this game more than 6 hours a day, though. Are you surprised that Im so advanced?
And Im not a cheater as those Atomic (cmon, the name is a cheat already) guys. They must have fat paychecks from daddy or they are hackers.