Atomium Wonder Update


BHG Moderator
Jun 8, 2020
Hello Leaders!

We have a Wonders update that will be going live this week!

Due to a rights issue, we are replacing the look of the Atomium Wonder.
But don’t fret, this is only a visual change. If you've built this wonder you will not lose it or any progress made towards building it.

We're happy to announce that this Wonder will be replaced with the Space Needle!
This iconic observation tower, located in Seattle, was home to the 1962 World’s Fair.
This change is entirely cosmetic, so while the building art and description will change, the effects of this Wonder will remain the same:
• Reduce University Research time by 10%.
• Once every 7 days, reset cooldown of all other Wonders instantly.​

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your bases with this updated Wonder!
