Attack and Defense only by Ages


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Hi All,

I'm currently lev.182 atomic age and I''ve been attacked by a guy around lev.250 cold war age.
His army was out of my possibilities of defense, it was already fully updated to cold war plus 2 heavy artillery and 5 heavy tanks mk6.

Now, I understand that opponents are random, but there is no chance for my nation to defend against such opponents even if the level is not one of the highest. I even consider that someone can buy all armies available in offer, but there should be in any case at least the chance to earn some crowns from a defense. At the end of the attack, even if he did not use any tactic he did not even loose a unit.

In my opinion attack and defense even if randomly selected, should be done with the same age, otherwise there is no room for defense; atomic age player, can attack only atomic age defender. Doing this first of all you make the opponents selection quicker and with more chances to find an opponent approx of the same level and or capabilities.

What do you all think? I'm open for discussion as maybe there is a better way to do it.





Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
You are 182, I dont think you can easily attack an atomic player without much lost.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I disagree. In most cases I search for opponents of different Age. I'm 185 AA and attack GA players when looking for medals, while trying CWA players when it comes to loot. It is important to have an extra option at your disposal, I'm not talking about opening it up to more than one Age, but to attack only your Age limits your options a lot


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
thanks for the feedback.

Player level is not directly related to the army level or to the age.
My army is full 155 units plus 5 mercenary slots, 7 tacticts, 4 additional armies from the stronghold and up to 3 planes. Tanks are fully upgraded as well as planes for Atomic Age. In addition the issue is mostly related when you defed your base not while attacking, so in my opinion your statement does not make sense.

@ Saruman the White
You say that you search for opponents of different ages, but there no way to do just need to refresh the opponent until you find the right one, loss of time and money and the more constrain you have the more time you will spend hitting the search button

What I'm saying is that developers should think about a better algorythm to match the players in multiplayer battles. Any idea is much appreciated then just saying i disagree :)


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
This is one of the worst ideas I've seen so far. Why? Because players pool decreases significantly with each age. And this game is all about attacking, not defending. It's called Dominations for a reason. You're suppose to attack, then attack again, and then attack more. And it has to be efficient, otherwise you'd never be able to do any upgrades.

Now tell me that you don't attack global age opponents in the 130-140's. Shit rolls downhill, that's how it's always been in this game.

If you want to play defense, Zombie Gunship is a great game for it.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
I really do not understand why you are so aggressive.
You are all talking like developers but you are not, how can you know that players pool decreases significantly with each age? How can you how many chinese guys are spending lots of real money to get to the highest levels?
I tell you that I don't attack 130-140 just because I see one 130-140 every 200 tries. The less I get is 160 and most of the times they have abt 200k to be stolen...that's actually the cost of my army.

If you are good with the actual multiplayer matching algorythm it is fine, just don't reply me. My post was actuallt aimed to understand if other players have the same feeling.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
In additino to the above sponge i agree that this is game is all about attack but oil is very hard to stole big quantities, so can you tell me how can i raise my oil if di stole 1k per attack and the stole me 3k each defense?


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
Nobody is being aggressive here. You're reading what you want to hear and you don't listen to actual facts.
How do we know that there are less people in each age? Because that how every game works. Players quit, it's that simple. Not every single player goes the distance in this game, they get fed up or just bored and quit. And not everyone advances at the same pace. Those with bigger wallets will be the most advanced, then those with more time, and then you'll get an army of casual players. Also new players will never catch up with old dogs. And that's also the reason CWA players can attack down to GA. Not enough players in CWA and AA. You don't need to be game developer to come to simple conclusions based on actual, known facts.

And to address your loot issue, you're either in wrong league, using wrong army or simply not attacking enough. How do you score oil if they steal 3x times as much? Attack more, it adds up.
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Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
well, i'm reading what you wrote..."this is the worst idea I ever seen"...does this sounds friendly and cooperative to you? if so, thanks god I'm not in your pants.

What about matching the players thru a level range? f.i. being lv 182, i could be attacked or attack by +/- 30 lvs (212-152). Or again, by league or revenue. I don't think that if you have 10mln in your pocket you would be interested in attack one guy with 30k.

There are lots of possibilities in my opinion but I think we should stop focusing on one single message

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
Matching algorithm is just fine. This is because of the medals system, I wish that they implemented it again in wars also. You win, you get harder opponents, you lose, you get easier and so on. Simple and fair


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
albynos , you're probably feeling the effects more so now because this is the first time that a player can attacks two ages down. (Since Gunpowder)
But when you were still climbing the ladder I'm sure there were plenty of times you, as did all of us, attacked a much weaker base because they were ''easy pickings''. :D
It's just much more mismatched now because the power ratio between CW vs Global/AA is more pronounced than say Gunpowder vs Medieval. My first defense against CW heavy tanks was ''educational'', to say the least. My lvl 15 walls were like lvl 10! :eek:
It's the nature of the beast.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
Your army is quite weak in my point of view.
3 planes means you are not doing well in raid, and not able to collect enough oil.

Your problem do not come from defense, but attack

I don't have any issue in defense even that I rush to next age when I reach minimum level requirement
Because I able to raid 30K oil in attack while lost 5K in defense
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
albynos , I'm not going to insult you by saying your army is weak or anything like that since I don't know you or your army combo or how you use your army, but what people are saying is true.
If you are losing more oil than you raid then you need to raid smarter (pick better bases), or raid better (just next til you find a good base) or raid more. Also, pick your medal range, medals around 800-1200 is great for me. I average 2k-4k at these levels, and sometimes you get a whale around 6-8k. :D
If time is an issue then maybe you should raid at higher levels where the rewards are better. 3-4 really good raids at high levels might be all you need to get 15-20k oil.
OR, do what some people do: just use raiders to get good oil at low levels. Then use a full combo army to climb the medals. Then use raiders to go back down again.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Manifesto and Siuyin, thanks so much for your positive feedback.

@Manifesto: I think you are right when you say that probably I'm feeling the effect more right now. It is the nature of the beast :). Regarding Oil when I get around 100K in my pocket I start loosing more then what I get by average. it happens that you match a player with more then 5k oil to attack and stole but most of the times the player I found to attack has 1.5k or 2k. My medals are around 2150...probably two attacks a day are not enough at a certain level...probably this is the thruth.

@Sinyin: with regards to the army...I agree with can you say that having 3 planes is weak?
To have the fourth plane slot I should upgrade the airstrip and it costs me more than 200k! don't even know at what level these planes are..
Anyway, when you say that you get 30k in you mean in one single attack? % of Oil to be stolen is low, so if you find someone with 30k oil to be stolen he should probably have something like 1mln oil...that sounds strange to me. To get 30k of oil it takes to me around 10 attacks....


Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
albynos that's actually accurate advice from both Manifesto and sponge , you need to raid smarter mate. Just saying if you got that far and still have 3 planes, clearly you're not prioritizing in the right order.
I mean I'm looking at your army for a level 182, and all I'm seeing is those 3 planes. So I'm thinking triplanes?
Please don't take this the wrong way, but if your investing your time into defense and some larger dude walks in and steals, don't take it personally, get back out there and steal more. If you cant manage at the higher leagues, drop back down with raiders and miners, which works for me and build up for ntgs and tgs.
I basically fill my 250k oil in a day or two, while doing Amelia research and strike fighter upgrades.
You're gonna enjoy more if you don't take things personally, use the replays as a learning experience, or watch some dudes raid on youtube, helps!
p.s Manifesto feels like you take the extra effort to troll my posts for some reason


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015

Yes 3 triplanes, Amelia lv5.
I agree with you, maybe I'm not prioritizing thing in the right way, but when you say that you fill you 250k oil in a day, how many attacks you need to fill it? How many attacks you do a day on avg?


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
if you have the chance, post a screenshot of your attack log, just to understand which guys you attack


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
Manifesto and Siuyin, thanks so much for your positive feedback.

@Sinyin: with regards to the army...I agree with can you say that having 3 planes is weak?
To have the fourth plane slot I should upgrade the airstrip and it costs me more than 200k! don't even know at what level these planes are..
Anyway, when you say that you get 30k in you mean in one single attack? % of Oil to be stolen is low, so if you find someone with 30k oil to be stolen he should probably have something like 1mln oil...that sounds strange to me. To get 30k of oil it takes to me around 10 attacks....

3 air space mean your airstrip is lv2 and you still using Triplanes.
In other word your are using Air Force of 2 ages before.

And for 30k Oil, I am referring to overall result for one training bless.


Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
No worries, I'll post a log or I don't mind doing a live stream on YouTube if you want a better idea. I'll post a link or something.
Moreover, some calculations of what I do,
1hour*43k oil*3-5 training blessings a day=129k-215k oil a day, depending on how busy I normally am.
After dropping medals, I normally use my main tank army, to attack for ntgs and tgs, and to get the medals up for the bonus.
Basically, you can see I manage to fill the oil in 1-3 days.
Only, drawback is that my medals don't go above 1200-1500.
But, sir that's how I feel comfortable playing, please prioritize, and decide what's important to you.
If you don't like your current system, change it.

Malcolm-Rogue Knights


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Malcom thanks, much appreciated.
I'm surely missing something here and thanks for your clarification:
you say 1 hour * this the amount you stole in one hour or the production from oil wells or both?
training blessing: you and Siu talks about training blessing and Im sure Im missing something do you use your trainng blessing to get more oil? you say that you just retrain your troops and then attack again?