Attacked by 400 troops!!! This cheat needs to be banned immediately!


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
Why can people cheat so easily and how can this game be so easily hacked?
There's just no way we can play normally with all these hacks and cheats.

and WTF, why is there always an error message saying invalid file when trying to upload a picture???
Cannot upload .jpg nor .png then how are we suppose to post???

Both the game and the forum are FULL of bugs!

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
Yes, I have no problems sending screenshots to the in-game customer service. I usually send a short description of what the issue is, details about the player who seems to be cheating (name and alliance) with screenshots of the issue...their base (if they have too many buildings) or screenshots of the actual battle if they are using too many troops or illegal troops and screenshots of the battle result.
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Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
Hi Wise, whilst you are looking this guy up...also check for a player called "Zack" (no alliance), level 137. He has 8 redoubts, 12 canons, 300plus walls, and 12 barracks giving him 528 troop spaces. He's currently on 2178 medals and attacked a player in my alliance with 88 canons yesterday. I have filed a report with CS, but this guy needs to be quickly removed.