Best medal range for Global Age?


Approved user
Feb 4, 2016
I'm wondering if I've bottomed out.
I'm at 2480 and hovering there. Cant seem to gain much.
The problem is every base is only worth 1 medal, but when my exposed TC gets attacked, I lose 10 to most attackers.
I think my lvl is to blame. Everything is upgraded to max IA, with half the walls at the 3 million upgrade point. I am at level 179 or so.

I like the victory bonus, and see the value in it.
Just a few more questions:

Is the extra 40k gold/food bonus at 2600 worth the grind?
Are the bases/loot any better 100 points up?
What are the bases/loot like back down at 800 medals?

I think I can keep climbing by selecting good bases, and going kamakazi style attack for high end TCs offering 15 medals (meaning I'll get 7 medals after my army is decimated), but it's going
to take a while to get to 2600. Now I see the meaning of being able to sustain a certain medal number.

Thanks for all the tips and help!
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Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
You are probably best hovering at ~2500, you'll need a max global army to go higher. Just keep pressing next until you find the right base, a sort of rushed global around 150 level with maxed loot @450k and a chunk of medals and no generals on defence.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I recommend playing smarter, not longer. If you want to play a lot thats fine but, as Eddie said, keep nexting - and sometimes it'll be A LOT - but you will come across bases with good medals & resources. It might take you 15, 20, 30,etc, times before you find them but they're there. Once you find the rhythm it's easy to stay maxed .....

I'm actually thinking of heading back there .....

To answer your questions,
I didnt find 2600 bonus any different to 2400.
The bases & loot were about the same.
Bases at 800 are approx 150k-200k & oil is 'ok'. Raiding is definitely easier if you prefer playing more - at 2400 you need to play smarter.


Approved user
Feb 4, 2016
Thanks Eddie and RL.
I'm settling in on this new game style, so I guess I'll get there when I get there :)
As stated, my resources seem to top off without too much effort, even the oil (sitting on 105k oil at the moment, but waiting for refinery upgrade so I can work on the airstrip upgrade.
The quick exposed TC destruction provides 100k food/gold, with a quick turn around, which adds up quick.
If 2600 is about the same as 2500, then I'll be content with upgrading my troops (got subs, french tanks are cooking, howitzers next in 10 days).

The one downside that I see is that you really have to ride the peace treaties....which means being able to play every 8 hours, so you have a chance to make an attack or two for the medals before you are attacked and lose the medals from the immediate raid when you log off.

UA Bidness

Approved user
Jul 30, 2016
You should be raiding with training blessing active, that is the beauty of being French. You can use training blessings and continually raid with 2 min artillery retrain. Even if you lose your whole army it only takes 8-9 minutes to retrain it. Log in and collect cider as much as possible. If diamonds are your problem then you should be attacking easier bases.

​​​​​Generally speaking the lower the medals the weaker the bases. If all the bases you find when searching are too challenging, you should probably drop in medals.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Dude, it's about return on investment. If you think you might be raided twice before you get online then either raid 2 or 3 times before logging off or after logging in to get more medals than you think you'll lose - or you've lost. Just keep your gains more than your losses ..... you'll get into the rhythm. :D


Approved user
Apr 18, 2016
Another way of getting resources in higher medals is to snipe the town center and send raiders to collect the resources. I climbed to 2600 in enlightenment age doing that and it was great, although I capped @2850 medals. Stayed up there for most of my industrial age time (4-5 months). It's great experience being that high but it does come at an extra cost of more time spent playing. I'm now retired (maybe I'll climb day) and am enjoying smashing all the lower age bases in gold league. Sniping is fun for me and I could totally do it again, but to each their own