Can't gain resources in Elightenment Age?


Approved user
Nov 14, 2015
Hello all,

I've been in Elightenment Age for about 2 weeks now, and I can't ever gain positive resources. I maxed out gunpowder age before I transitioned, and I am sitting at 1.4k medals.

I'm lucky to loot about 200k of each resource, and the moment I log off, I get raided from a full industrial army and fully wiped for 300k resources. At this rate, I haven't passed 2 million resources, so I can't ever upgrade anything.

I've tried various base designs and iit doesn't matter . when I get attacked, I am fully wiped each time. Any suggestions? This makesmthe game almost unplayable. I'd like to stay 1.4k medals if possible.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
The beginning of each age is always difficult and it gets harder with each age. Being low man on the totem pole in your own age and being introduced to a more difficult upper level opponent (especially IA with their tanks and crazy flying machines) is a big obstacle and very discouraging. My suggestion is to hang in there... It will get better as you will learn the best methods to attack and change your game up. Claw your way up to higher leagues. I know this sounds counterproductive pitting you with harder opponents but it really isn't. You will get more in resource bonus to cover your training cost and the bases have a lot more loot available to take if you search for the right ones. Look for inactive bases (they don't have league medals days after league reset) and traps that have been set off. The farms in theses bases have more food and if you drop the first troop when the most caravans are outside the wall you can pinch more moneybags for a hefty gold yield. Oh and if you haven't already done it... First priority is to upgrade your temple to get your training blessing. Good luck!
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Approved user
Oct 10, 2015
The problem is you are enlightment age, but your force is still gunpowder, it's kinda ridiculous to think you should stay in your medal range. It's like the junior league champion who is now playing major league, but only wants to participate if he can be champion. I'm recently enlightment age. I was like level 80 gunpowder, mostly maxed defences, only 3 of them left. My farms and caravans are still of iron age, so that's why my level is lower. When somebody attacks it's mostly with 1 soldier just to see if my farms are empty or not. I noticed that even in low medals there are hard opponents and I need to pick my opponents carefully. If you're struggling gaining only 3M food, wait until you need 4-6M food for the troop upgrades. For me to progress fast, copper league is the best joy! .


Approved user
Sep 16, 2015
Well, it doesn't get much better later.. troop upgrades give you few % of hp and dps, no such thing as 'armour' or evasion, barely noticed difference on my troops after upgrading them, so not cutting my guts off and putting my marriage in line just to get those upgraded cannons...
Dump all your gold into walls, put TC outside of walls, can't say about medals, currently on 1700 and grabbing 200-300k per raid making my self to the higher leagues. not went under 1100 medals since GP, buf I found that on lower leagues you get more loot raiders while higher you get, the more they care about your TC and less about loot.

again, dump gold into walls, and collect food for troop upgrades, should get you somewhere when you are more able to defend your precious.

currently I'm upgrading my walls to 8 (yup, most my walls are lvl 7 lol but still managed to get lot of force quits and on occasion successful defences - maybe player lagged and couldn't force quit), then to 9, and after get all walls to 9, I'll start thinking what to do next. depending where I will be with my medals, either drop back to 600-1000 to look for those nice cheater abandoned bases with a handful of raiders, or maybe at higher leagues loot and bonus will be healthy. future shall state it self.
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Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
get yourself a temple level 5 and start using the training blessing, do tc snipes with raiders and wallminers, if you got raiders left after tc, snipe the resources, goto next village


Approved user
Nov 15, 2015
Drop your medals to around 800. Its the only way to avoid getting crushed in the Gold league. Starting the Enlightenment Age makes no difference. I'm just about done with EA, and I still can't do more than break even when I get above 1400 medals.


Approved user
Oct 10, 2015
One more tip for you is hunt a lot!, hunting with gathering blessing + animal blessing gives actually quite a LOT of resources in enlightment age.