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Will I run out of things to spend oil on before maxing out walls? (Industrial Age)


Approved user
Mar 27, 2019
I like to max out everything before I move to a new age. I keep my citizens relentlessly busy at the beginning of a new age and finish up with walls because I don't want gold and food going to waste overflowing markets and mills while waiting out citizens doing work, which would happen if one focused on upgrading walls first. I am in Industrial now and getting near to completing updating all buildings on my base and will turn to walls soon (and continue with library and university). It will take a very long time to upgrade walls. Although oil is obviously relatively scarce, I seem to be making good progress with oil-based upgrades (in part because I've been getting daily interest of about 4,000 barrels from the vault and have done library oil production boosts and some in Museum, too. Also, I never initiate raids, I only revenge resource loss, so I'm not spending tons of oil fighting.) I am concerned that I will run out of things to spend oil on before I finish fully upgrading walls, leaving me the choice of having oil wasted as it overflows in my full refinery while I do walls (attracting raiders galore while I do) or having to advance to GlobalAge before I wish to just to not be wasting oil.

So: Will I run out of things to spend oil on before full upgrading my walls in Industrial Age? I feel like I may but maybe I'm completely wrong.

Note: I realize Generals are a place to "dump" oil (and I have room to go there (currently four between Levels 15-18, one at level 7 and MacArthur to come) but the walls will take a VERY long time so I can't believe I will still have upgrading opportunities for generals (there's a cap in an Age, no?) by the time the walls are done. And yes, I know there is opportunity in the Library and University to spend oil but I'm already well on my way there, too. Also, yes, I can stop putting oil in the vault to eliminate interest.

If it is true that one can run out of things to spend lil on while slogging through the long process of fully upgrading walls, I would like to see oil become a currency to be allowed to spent on wall, like food is added at a certain level..

Thanks for any help.


Approved user
Mar 27, 2019
Thanks dfwdragon, I've begun doing a number of those.

Cannibals, artifact upgrades using oil really interest me because they would be instant but I've not come across those yet (that I've noticed). Are they available in Industrial Age? How does one identify which ones take oil? Thanks.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Walls take a very long time but not years to fully upgrade. If you are actively raiding and always leave 1 citizen free to use up gold/food for walls (or schedule your upgrades so that you have often a free'd up citizen) it should not take longer than all the oil upgrades.
Of course, if you only plan to attack a couple times per day (which sounds to be the case if you only do revenge attacks), then it will probably take a year, and then you might indeed run out of things to spend oil on, but in that case I would absolutely suggest to move up your age. Leaving library/armory empty (and especially citizens) just to max your walls is a waste of time. You can look at those two buildings (especially Armory) as another 2 types of citizen - if they are not working, they are wasting time. And time is the most important resource in the game.


New member
May 17, 2019
I was you (I’m projecting to go through the same thing you are, just in Global Age).

My experience says that by Industrial Age, you should probably give up upgrading farms and caravans (you simply don’t need the resources when build times start taking weeks).

I would stay away from spending oil on artifacts (only use it on artifacts you can see using long-term).

The upside of your approach is that, if you have a good base layout, no one will attack you and very few will take resources of consequence.

The downside is that you will miss out on a number of shiny gadgets.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
one thing to note for anyone who prefers shiny gadgets over maxing: farms and caravans give good xp. choosing to upgrade them over, say, garrisons and mortars will let you get to cwa sooner.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Sounds like you should rush from Industrial to Atomic and enjoy the awesome power of 8 planes, awesome factory troops, a beefy museum, a powerful university, ..., so... plenty of things to spend oil on :)


Approved user
Dec 13, 2017
If you have walls maxed or nearly maxed, just move on to the next age. A level 13 Industrial Age wall would cost you about 20 million. It’s small potatoes compared to the 65 M needed for a level 18 wall. Time to move along