Combat Rebalance Stage Two Patch Notes


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Try and escape somehow from your dwelling.

They clearly have some kind of brain washing device setup in your ceiling.

If you think this is to benefit the majority of clients you have another thing coming.


Approved user
Jul 9, 2016
I totally feel the same way. I'm in the atomic age and abandoned the usual tank, shooter, healer approach about 6 months ago due to boredom. I maxed out heavy tanks, APCs and use my German heavy infantry in various mixes now. I think that the changes will force more people to try different troop combos. Factory and air troops are heavily buffed now in comparison to barracks troops. I'm also looking forward to trying attack helicopters again. Thanks for the post.


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
I have taken some time to reflect on these patch notes and the past 1 and a half years of questionable additions and changes leading up until today.

It gave me some great clarity and time to be able to sit down and rewrite my googleplay review.

I feel contented now, that I have at least tried to save another poor soul entering into what has become a complete shambles!

oh how things have changed since I started over three years ago, that review was well overdue a rewrite!

That wasn’t a whole lot of time to reflect, if you can’t handle change go play Candy Crush. I for one will wait until the changes are complete and then roll with them and make the needed adjustments in strategy to be competitive.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I'm confused about why these are being rolled out in phases. This phase will make max bases virtually impossible to take out. I assume (hope) that future phases will give more offensive boosts to counteract this enormous defensive boost? If so, why not roll out all changes at once and monitor the overall impact?


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
If they are planning to boost offenses to match, then what is the point? If you want to boost defense, boost it by the percent you want. There is no logic to boosting defense a large amount, and then offense the same amount. Just change the one you want changed.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I'm not suggesting they do a universal offensive boost like they did with defense (as you said that would be pointless), but I suspect they will boost certain offensive elements to shift the way that armies are composed. There are really only three different army compositions that are in use today, and many units that are ignored entirely. I'm just trying to be semi-optimistic here. These defensive HP boosts are insane.


Approved user
Jul 9, 2016
On the contrary, I've analyzed this quite a bit. I'm in the atomic age and abandoned the usual tank, shooter, healer approach about 6 months ago due to boredom. I maxed out heavy tanks, APCs and use my German heavy infantry in various mixes now. I think that the changes will force more people to try different troop combos. Factory and air troops will be heavily buffed now in comparison to barracks troops. I'm also looking forward to trying attack helicopters again. Hopefully, most players figure about that this rebalance is for the overall good off the game as far a creativity goes.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Results of "Rebalance" Phase 2
  • defensive buildings 2.5x hp
  • demolition 2.5x dmg,
  • fighters 2x dmg,
  • bombers 2.5x dmg,
  • transport paratroopers 2.5x dmg,
  • commando 2.5x damage multiplier,
  • attack helicopter 1.4x damage multiplier
  • ground troops 1.3x health boost and no damage increase,
  • heavy tanks 1.5x dmg
..... Looks like defenses win again. Net result: MultiPlayer game now even harder, still no time training reduction for airstrip or tactics, still no war improvements, commandos are still useless when they hit a land mine, AND Decoys are now USELESS. Cheaters will continue to 5* Max'd CWA bases in 30sec.
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New member
Jun 4, 2017
These nullified boosts are intentional, and should help keep the relationship between some attackers and defenders the same.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
its not gonna promote creativity, it will just cause a shift to a new uncreative norm, maybe focusing on factory troops and attack choppers, and a drop of few hundred medals.

like the missile silo promoted creativity for only a short while before everyone settled in to a new norm. this will do the same.
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Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Leave it to the brain trust at Nexon/BHG to perform delicate surgery with a rusted butter knife. And I say that as someone who believed decoys were vastly overpowered in their current form. Hell, they'd have been better off receiving the same hamfisted doubling of their space that sabo, protect and betrayal got.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Out of curiosity what do the devs have against barrage? I can't help but notice it has never received any uni or library upgrades nor any arbitrary rebalancing.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
they will probably buff it in stage 3 so people can deal with the vastly buffed defenders it will also bring


Approved user
Jul 9, 2016
This is a global change compared to the missile silo. It will take a long time to reach a new norm on this scale. Those that adapt are the winners. Whiners are not winners.
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Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Lol some people are missing the point here. The outrage is because these changes “appear” to be strictly for monetary gain at the expense of gameplay. They say they want us to use a more varied troop combo but they introduced the silo obliterating every troop anywhere on the base with one shot. Dumb or intentional. They introduced the stronghold which almost guarantees a victory on offense or defense in ww if you purchase certain troops. They give troops away so could be innocent could not be. Then the museum comes along. Absolute dominance for raiding offense and defense if you unlock your artifacts to 5. They give away the resources to do so but I have not earned enough to unlock a single artifact to lv3. Now they are making nearly invulnerable cw bases stronger. It is nearly impossible to feel this pattern is not geared toward forcing people to spend large sums of money unlocking artifacts just to get back to the offensive strength we had before these changes. The strength I spent 1000’s of hours and 30,000 crowns to achieve. Judging by my experience with other games that is the brilliant corporate plan they are implementing. The death of the game for a short term boost in sales before everyone just says f it. I really feel sorry for the guys at big huge games who developed the best mobile(perhaps any platform) game I’ve ever played just to have corporate morons step in and ruin it. My entire alliance fled other pay to win games and settle in dominations because it was not like that. Almost every member has spent money on this game because they enjoyed it not because they felt forced. These changes have soured the mood and closed the wallets and threaten to drive us out completely. There is still time to make the changes beneficial to gameplay and not a cheap money grab. Then you can say we panicked over nothing and you had our backs all along.
For those who say they will just adapt look at the math hard. They have basically dropped the attack dmg of all your troops by over 50%. You still have to deal with a now 36,000 hp silo. How do you think your going to do enough dmg to destroy all defense before time runs out without buying an artifact that raises dmg by over 50% to compensate?


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Let's be honest here.

The intention of these balance changes is about making 5 stars in higher base levels a premium feature.

If the intention is really about making 5 stars just harder, then a nerf to powerful troop tactics, particularly elephants, is due.

Disregarding all the issues and nuances these changes will bring, it would be at least admirable if they could stick to their stated vision of the game, no matter how we as players see it.

But the corporate heads at Nexon do not even allow BHG to have that decency to be self-consistent.
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Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
5 stars should be hard, tough bases should be very hard to 5 star, make you work for it, people want it easy. Ties in war should be a rare thing, other games I play this is the case. Yes EAs don’t belong in the game at all.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
When we boycotted rival kingdoms people got huge refunds from Apple and google. They nerfed an ancient that people had to pay to win. This is sort of different but the same principle. You paid for one thing then they made changes that changed the items ability to function. If they stub up tell them you have fraud protection on your credit card and you will call the card company and they will force Apple/gplay to give the money back.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
And all they needed to do to avoid 5* being easy? Make all wars 0TT. Look at the history of community wars that are 0TT - the scores are never even close to perfect when there are big bases on both sides. What an easy change to make compared to this nonsense, but since it would touch their revenue stream we are doing this instead.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
if its a global change then reaching a new norm should happen quicker because it cannot be avoided or put off. and dont get me wrong, i am all for adaptation and creativity. i HAVE been using the most unusual of troop compositions and base designs i put together from scratch the past couple years to great success(i dare say most successful of all f2p players out there). all i said is this change is not going to make people suddenly approach this game the way i do.
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