Commandos: A (Barely Now) Viable Troop?


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Nice I'm going to try a variation of this with a few Heavy Tanks or maybe rpgs.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I am using 14 commandos and 10 HRPGs, 3 foot soldiers + 3 TDs + more HRPGs from alliance gate. Tactics are exactly the same.

You basically do what Bigbrother said, and as the battle progresses, you deploy the HRPGs and foot soldiers on every place where there are leftover buildings.
A tip for you is to make good airplane usage and have fast fingers cause at the start you really need to have control over where your sabotages go AND send the airplanes to kill any soldiers/tanks here and there.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
I'm Lvl 263 CWA and I've been running with 12 Infiltrators, 3 Greek tanks (sometimes artillery), 4 Bazookas, and some shooters, 6 Fighters and 1 Bomber. I don't bother luring out defenders other than having to deal with Generals. That's what the tanks do, keep them occupied if necessary. It just doesn't matter what the base setup is generally. Fighters sole job is to take out defenders before they get to the Infiltrators. I have been 5 starring every Atomic, most CWA, and some Space Age though bases with high air-defense or a rocket arsenal are the only ones I find problematic. If your fighters go down, the infiltrators do get taken out quickly. The real nuisance is the bazookas triggering traps, because if they get lost, I run out of time clearing the other buildings. I should mention no tactics used unless absolutely necessary and General dropped at the end to cleat buildings.

With my drop and go strategy I do lose 8-10 infiltrators sometimes though not always. I will typically lose a fighter as well. I only hit bases with at least 4k oil, and I have a +54% All resources looted at the museum so the math always works out well even if that happens. My best is 19k oil won, with 1k oil retrain cost.

Question for others with this strategy, now with Bastions I think this composition will not work as well. If people setup the bastions right, infiltrators will spend a bunch of time breaking through to get to the defensive building, there is no other way in if designed right. I haven't seen any bases yet that pose a problem but I would be interested in getting other people's thoughts whether that will make this composition less viable.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
It's been a very long time since I last used Commandos, but it's my intention to combine it with 2 Transports, thus:

Commandos immune to towers
Paratroopers immune to Garrisons

However I can't predict how it'd go, as, it might sound good in theory, but difficult to conduct


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
I really wonder how well this strategy works with lv 270+ space age bases. I've tried practice attacks like this without much success.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
It's been a very long time since I last used Commandos, but it's my intention to combine it with 2 Transports, thus:

Commandos immune to towers
Paratroopers immune to Garrisons

However I can't predict how it'd go, as, it might sound good in theory, but difficult to conduct

Isn't it with paratroopers only that they don't trigger defenders to spawn? I don't think they are actually immune to the already spawned defenders... and since commandos WILL spawn them, this doesn't seem like a great combo. Fighters can take out the defenders to protect commandos, paratroopers won't do so well at that.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
For 270+ you certainly need high level generals, 4 troop cards, much better airplane control and a solid plan. And maybe that is still not enough!

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
You've got it right, paratroopers can be attacked by spawned defenders, so you have to destroy as many of defender-spawning structures as possible, at first. After many have gone, it's time for Commandos! Of course you might need air help as well to help the Commandos. It's only a theory I haven't test that yet


Approved user
May 17, 2018
haven't test that either BUT how will you get QV if you wait for the paratroopers to kill some buildings first and then deploy the commandos? Maybe do both at the same time?


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Your kidding right? Why on earth would I give away a strategy that has taken a lot of time to work out. You or anybody reading may one day be my competition for the #1 spot in this game. I am far too competitive to share any specifics.

The only thing I’ll say is I have not tried any bases above 165 yet. I have 3 more upgrades to do and then will not shy away from 165+ bases.

Here’s what I can do. When the time comes and I take the #1 spot in this game I will share exactly all details as to how easy this game is.

Share my secrets,your funny! roflol

Lol, I can’t believe I didn’t see this earlier. First he claims to be “too old to screen record,” but also cares so much about a mobile video game. I mean, this game to take seriously, out of all of the video games out there? Strange.

By the way, it’s pretty easy to do this if you have high-level offence and attack bad bases. Global is an age where there are less poorly designed bases, but still enough to attack, ESPECIALLY around level 130 (which is the minimum for GA, so he’s probably overhyping himself and attacks mainly *Industrial*, not Global, bases). You can do it with foot soldiers. If it took him “a lot of time” to figure out how to defeat abandoned bases created by people who don’t care for base design... I don’t know what to tell you. ;)


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
I prefer to combine commandos and fighters with a stack of armored cars. To me, armored cars seem better equipped for the task of cleaning up after commandos. Although landmines can thin their numbers, other traps are not a problem for them. If you like commando swarms but are frustrated by the pace of clean-up with other troops, give armored cars a try.

12 commandos, 9 armored cars, 7 fighters, 5 heavy infantry
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Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Still think bazookas are cheaper. I use 1 HT, 9 rpg, 4 machine gun, 9 commando, 6 heavy infantry, 8 SS CWA fighters. I use heavy infantry to draw out the defenders, followed by HT + machine gun + bazooka, then drop commandos. Lose 0 commandos, 1-2 rpg and all infantry and machine guns.