I run 12 infiltrators, 4 bazookas (upgrading to RPG now), 3 Greek Centaur tanks, and 13 infantry. I also run 6 fighters and 1 bomber. I'm currently running in to 3000-3200 medal range (I'm CWA lvl 265) and regularly take home 800k-1 mil of gold, same with food, and over 10k of oil per attack. I almost never use tactics, but if I do it is either a decoy or a betrayal to keep troops occupied. I will typically lose most of the infiltrators because I don't use tactics to distract the troops, and the ground troops almost always die by the end of the battle due to traps. I could probably keep more alive if I paid more attention. Retrain is usually less than 2k oil, and about an hour which I am ok with. A net of 8k usually (or better) is fine with me since I almost never have citizens available to do anything with all this loot. For what it's worth, with the Dominations bonus my best is 22K oil and over 2 mil of food and gold in one attack.