• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Community Tips and Tricks


Community Member
Feb 28, 2015

Knowledge is even more powerful when it is shared with others! Leaders, help us upgrade our library of tips and tricks each week as we focus on new topics and themes.

Submit your winning tips and tricks and you could be featured on the DomiNations' Facebook Page and Twitter Handle!
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Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Hey Wvolf, before you go asking for the players input to assist you with marketing, I'd like to suggest you start responding more vigorously with better communication to this forum. More regular, and linking it to updates you're doing, or changes you make.

If you could begin by addressing cheating, then bugs - I think that would be a great start, and people might build confidence back up a bit.
Apr 29, 2015
Hey Wvolf, before you go asking for the players input to assist you with marketing, I'd like to suggest you start responding more vigorously with better communication to this forum. More regular, and linking it to updates you're doing, or changes you make. If you could begin by addressing cheating, then bugs - I think that would be a great start, and people might build confidence back up a bit.
Amen to that


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
A good tip if your a spender; put you money down the drain before spending on this game.


Approved user
Feb 23, 2016
I enjoy this game. I love that battle mimics the classic game Risk but with more detailed strategics involved. The excitement of winning against a tough opponent is really satisfying! I used to play silly word games off and on when I was bored on my phone but this game has turned into more of a hobby. :) I would say a good tip is: In the early stages of the game or lower levels, focus on upgrading barracks to have as many troops as possible. Then focus on raiding before medals. Make nothing but raiders and maybe a couple horsemen. Hit next battle until you find a base with lots of loot and a structure lacking base arrangement. Deploy horsemen and raiders seperately. The raiders will destroy all resource buildings while the horsemen distract the slower defending troops. Medals are sacrificed but the extra loot is rewarding. Quick Victory can still be rewarded if the raiders destroy enough in time, even without destroying the town center.
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Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Tip 1: try to attack with a mixed army that complements each unit's strength and weaknesses. Armies consisting of 1 type of unit will likely fail in an attack (the goal being 5 stars).

Tip 2: when deploying mixed units, don't necessarily spawn all units at once. Let your ranged units (rifles, artillery) take out the initial buildings first and then when your ranged units come closer to large defenses such as mortars) drop a tank or spread out some assault infantry to distract the mortars so your ranged units can take it out.

Tip 3: Use Sabotage on a Town Centre to prevent defenders and donated troops from spawning during an attack.

Tip 4: Road bonuses can make a big difference in the hitpoints of your town centre. This will slow down attackers considerably allowing your defenders to keep attacking them.

Tip 5: a strategic rally out of harms way or range of mortars can be a life saver; this allows any supply wagons/trucks to heal your troops and to re-engage full strength.

Tip 6: a rally toward a mortar while it has fired a shot at you could ensure the shot misses your troops.

Tip 7: it is better to rally on an empty spot next to a town centre (depending on circumstance) rather than ON the town centre during an attack.This will allow your rifles to attack incoming defenders while your artillery can take out the town centre.

Tip 8: use your fighter planes to disrupt defender spawning buildings such as stables or tank depots.

Tip 9: if an attack route looks like an obvious weak point and too good to be true: it likely is full of traps

Tip 10: have fun playing the game and don't be afraid to experiment with different troop compositions or base layouts. Be sure to check out some of the top players to learn from their base layouts and adopt similar principles.

The Huns

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
If you're wondering if the resources are in the Mills/Markets or in the Farms/Caravans look at the Mills/Markets. They actually show more loot when they get fuller. An empty Mill/Market will have very little loot appearing in it while a full one you will be able to see the bright red food/shiny yellow gold.


New member
Apr 26, 2017
Hello DomiNators,
some of you may already know me (probably the more active ones) but I would like to use tjis opportunity to introduce myself to all of you:

I'm a really active player who is loving to share knowledge with others.

So if you are interested in all kind of Domi-related topics, check this out:


I would really appreciate seeing you later in the commentary section below my videos.

Your DomiTipps

Italia Top10

Approved user
Jul 31, 2017
Alleanza Italia Top10
è un progetto di consolidare una alleanza perfetta dove regna amicizia...sara un mix di contadini e guerrieri :)
Membri attivi, in guerra, nelle donazioni, che collaborino al progresso e sviluppo dell'alleanza.... Italia Top10
l'esperienza del leader non manca.liv 151 eta industriale(max con tutto) e con tante battaglie vinte nella guerra (1300 stelle vinte in war).
Chi vuole non partecipare alle guerre puo rimanere e crescere tranquillo.i consigli non mancherano e in pocco tempo diventate esperti nell gioco.
Invece per quelli che vogliono partecipare nelle guerra sara 1 war ogni 2 giorni e sicuramente saranno vinte sotto il comando del leader Gulio Cesare.
Per quelli piu attivi e che vogliono cariche saranno anche i gradi finche avranno l'ultimo,quello di CO-LEADER
Siete il benvenuti nell'alleanza Italia Top10


Approved user
Nov 20, 2017
You realize that it is time to migrate to another game like when they block you from the main pages in F-A-C-E-B-O-O+K just for going to tell the truths to A-L-E-J-A-N-D-R-O better known W-O-L-F really the demotivation is for not finding real competition everything is pre-established by the BHG community, in this game there are no cheats only villages of the M-A-X-E-A-D-A-S developers in an attempt to keep the community active, the security of the game is so high as to believe that there are H-A-C-K-E-R-S, it almost seems perfect the competition environment, but they overlook some details that are repetitive, to believe it's real 😁 it was fun while it lasted 🙋