Concern about accounts being welded to devices.

Steven Hubbard

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
I'l start off by saying well done, brilliant game. My wife and I are hooked and have appropriately spent money, because you deserve it.

My main concern is the fact that my account is locked to any device I use it on. If I want to sell my iPad the new owner will have full access to my game on that device. Even after deletion and cache clearance my account is still bound to that device.

Besides this it is also really annoying to not be allowed to reset your game and start again, but I know that is a common gripe. Personally I would like to play multiple accounts on one device so that I can try out different nation and wonder combos. Locking a single account to a device for life makes no sense. It does not stop people with multiple devices making multiple accounts. There is no way of cooperating between sibling accounts either so there is no reason to prevent it.


Better balanced gold and food requirements for upgrades. I am nearing the end of classical age and repeated I find my stores overflowing with food going to waste because gold and food requirements are not balanced.

Slightly longer AFK timer or no full reload. If we have to wait for troops to build after a battle because there are no queues then I'm going to find minor chores to do around the house, or forums to post on while I wait. The problem is that your "are you there" message comes up really fast and the game has to fully reload every time. Its really annoying.

MUCH better win incentives. A few thousand resources once a day at the dock is pathetic, and going up to higher leagues seems to be counter productive because of steep difficulty hikes. I have yet to feel there is anything to gain from collecting medals. I literally don't care If I win or lose and long as I get the resources I'm after.

War Academy items would be better if they had a shorter build time but much higher cost.

Mercenary deployment would be better if you only deployed one set of mercenaries per screen tap. So if you have 2 groups in your camp you can deploy them separately. Would also be nice to see what they are before they are deployed when in battle.

Road selection in map editor mode is extremely annoying because the "select more" button moves after the initial press. To be fair the whole map editor is really buggy and frustrating to use.

Blessings are a little under whelming, mainly because of their durations.

I know that you have already mentioned being able to change nation and wonders in the future. PLEASE DO. It not nice to be stuck with inexperienced choices, especially as you cannot reset the game.

Faster animal spawns would be good too, Pretty please! :)