• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

crash crash and more crash!


Approved user
May 5, 2015
So I was just in the middle of the raid with my army and not to my suprise the game crashed again! It's the second time today, the first time happened around 3pm when I was on my frz iPad air which I lost all of my army in the middle of the raid, had to wait a ridiculously 40mins to build my army,and the same thing happened just now on my iPad! So thanx for the crashing I have enough time to order a pizza, register an account with nexon and come here letting u guys know the problem. It's not the first time sth like this had happened, I dnt care abt the loot It just get me frustrated to rebuild an army that disappears due to crashing all the time. This great still have 25 mins left. If it crashes on more time when I'm in the middle of the battle I have no choice but to delete this game, dnt get me wrong it's an awesome game but the waiting time for disappearing armies r just way too frustrating. Overall, please fix the problem!


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
May as well delete it now. The only guarantees in this game are the crashes, the cheats, and the worst support imaginable


Approved user
May 5, 2015
should of taken your advice whatwhat, played it today crashes another 2 times during the battle so f it gonna find another game that DON'T CRASH THIS OFTEN