

Approved user
May 27, 2016
What the heck do I spend them on and what do I absolutely not spend them on?

I have spent a little bit of money so far, mainly just to get the two free houses but I have "blown" a lot of crowns and I have 600 saved up for my potential revolution but I plan on dropping a little more money into it with the arrival of MA.

I was just hoping to hear some of yours guys experience here and truthfully not so much of an opinion of what I SHOULD be using them for but what you guys have actually spent them on and your justifications for doing so. I have already claimed a love for defense so maybe my thinking is bias, but I wonder if spending them on immediate upgrades to defensive buildings could be considered just cause since when buildings like that go down its like opening the door to attackers.

Just curious and would like to hear what you guys have to say, I'd like to see my money carry me as far as possible.



Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Probably the best crowns l spent was changing from Japanese to British when l was mid Gunpowder. I loved the Japs power early on but wanted better offense moving forward.

9 times out of 10 you will be attacked by someone much stronger than you - it's just commonsense warfare - therefore your defenses won't count for much until you get to (at least) lndustrial. I was like you but l would've been better off crowning offensive troops first and defensive buildings at my leisure. Took me 2 nations and many many months to figure that out. My two cents.


Approved user
May 24, 2016
Well this game is biased towards those players who prefer attacking more. With regular attacks you can loot back much more than you ever lose through getting attacked yourself. So i have usually spent crowns on troop upgrades, war academy upgrades, tactics upgrades ...anything that allows me to attack better. Once this was done, then I would focus more on defensive buildings.

If you have a good strategy, even the best defenses can be taken down! (imho) ...but like you mentioned you have a bias towards defense ...well then maybe you can choose to spend a bit on defense too. But I have always prioritised attacking strategy over defensive strategy.


Approved user
May 27, 2016
Well this game is biased towards those players who prefer attacking more. With regular attacks you can loot back much more than you ever lose through getting attacked yourself.

Dude, I can be so hard headed and do things my own way no matter what and it continues to blow my mind how the most obvious of statements but just so happen to be worded just right can open my eyes and change my opinion or at least look at it a different way and that statement did just that.

I'm glad I asked because that will be a game changer for me, thank you. Funny to because Raven had just given me the same advice, lol, shout out to you as well Raven.

Still interested in anyone else's shopping habits if they care to share. Just a lonely noob picking brains here, guys.

Thanks again,


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
My major crown usage are, changing nations two times, crown the missing oil for upg factory and airstrip in the last promotion. I have 400 left

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Only bought SP1 for £7.99

In the overall scheme of things, everything takes so long that any more crown purchases are futile. I'm L160 Global. Changed nation, swapped 2 wonders, crowned finished Global TC.

Just resist - turn the game off and come back tomorrow, nothing much changes. I was locked out of the game for 8 days, a couple of weeks ago, airfield & merc camp finished in my absence, lost 90 medals, still around 2500.

Complete Quests & Achievements - sat on 4400 crowns atm, resisting crowning Academy u/g, 2 days to go, letting it run it's course, then I've Temple next. Then I'm maxed out attack for global and probably attempt the 2000 crowns for Dynasty.

There is no end game - enjoy the slow journey. You'll quit sooner or later.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
C'mon Eddie - dont be so dour. Surely you can see yourself maxed in Nuclear age just checking in once a week to say hi to your citizenry and collect your massive rss buildup ..... ?

Hong Kong Army®

Approved user
Apr 15, 2016

This is a little summary i have made...sounds pretty academic right? lol

Given that u have the required resources for upgrade, this shows you the number of crowns needed to instant upgrade buildings, technology or armory upgrades. As u can see, after 7 days, u just need around 100 crowns to instant upgrade for each extra day!

Hope this gives u a little thought on the usage of crowns :)


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
I spent crowns once to change nations - from Japanese to French and it was a good move for my playing style. Otherwise, I use them sparingly to rush troops. Being French and using the training blessing, I can play for 2-3 hours with minimal wait time and crown expense.


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
If I may suggest, save your crowns for later ages and use them to crown your blacksmith/armory upgrades. Once you hit enlightenment it will become very apparent that time is against you upgrading everything there since there is only ever one armory, while your citizen population grows over time.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
WW can force you to use them as well. Sneaky sneaky nexon


Approved user
May 10, 2015
The time cost in crowns is a smooth curve for the first 24 hours, for a total of 300 crowns for that first day. After that, it's 5 crowns per hour, or 123 crown per day. It never increases. Because of that fact, you get more value out of crowning long upgrades that take many days

WarrenX148 has the right idea and here's why: The armory has over 500 upgrades. Each one you crown not only gives you that particular upgrade faster, it also allows you to do all the following ones sooner as well. Defense buildings on the other hand only have a few levels, so upgrading any one of them only gets you a few upgrades sooner. In fact if you wait until they're longer to get better time value from your crown purchase, they'll only have one or two levels left.
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Approved user
May 27, 2016
UI'm glad you understand it because my brain just keeps saying.....cannot compute, cannot compute....

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Each Age takes roughly the same time to get through as it took to get there:

Takes around 3 weeks to hit Medieval - 3 weeks to complete;
so 6 weeks to Gunpowder - 6 weeks to complete;
12 weeks to Enlightenment - 12 weeks to complete;
6 months to get to IA, 6 months to complete;

So basically using crowns to speed up anything in Medieval/GP/EA is pointless.

Sure, spend a few here and there to finish training an army to get the last bit of loot to start an upgrade before logging off or finish a building 20 minutes early to get your workers on the next one, blah, blah, blah.

Depends whether you think spending real money on fake money is good value or where the game challenge is.


Approved user
May 27, 2016
I catch a lot of crap for that fake money, real money argument and in the words of Peter Griffin, it really grinds my gears...a new PS4 game is running people 70 bucks, and they got a shelf full of them and that industry is getting wise as well and charging for new map packs, special items, ect. So how is spending money on this game seemingly so much more "pointless" because I play it on a phone or tablet? Have you ever been into a makeup store?!?! A brush, not a makeup product, but just a tool to apply the makeup product can run upwards of fifty to a hundred bucks, and they have MANY different types of those tiny little brushes. I collect guns, one gun is 75 cents every time I pull the trigger, another...1.25.

My point being is people like what they like and rarely is a hobby free, so as I won't judge you, don't judge me. It's MY money, not moms, or dads, or yours, and I work construction to get it. I just dug a 250 foot ditch, by hand, in Arizona, at 115 degrees. After that, if air conditioning, law and order svu marathon and fifty bucks for a game I play on yes, my phone, sounds good, then that's exactly what I'll be doing. And when they really get to me, I always offer up the fact that I could just go back to shooting heroin if that will make everyone so much more happy...

Eddie, my post is quite the rant but not directed at you sir, I was just relaying a conversation I have actually recently had with my gf and I decided to share my views on it since I quite often, and again not necessarily you, hear people complain about the pay to play aspect of the game....I mean if you even want to play hopscotch, you still gotta go by the chalk...

-White 88 Knight
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