Different rules applied by Customer Service on base attacked by Cheater(s)


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
In the good old days when I was robbed of medals and/or food, gold and oil and I could show CS a A)picture of the base of the attacker (that proved he/she was cheating) or B)that it was obvious from the battlelog (18 5 starring a CWA-base completely in 30 seconds but 0% damage) I was granted 300 crowns by CS for my loss with no fuzz or what so ever.

Nowadays I have to show a lot of Screen Shots, Age of the Attacker, name of the Attacker, logs and something I have forgotten. CS thanks for reporting but some issues are not compensated so zero, nothing.

Why is it different from 6 months back? Is it because I don't buy anything more? Is it a rule applying for all players? Why are people punished because of other people cheat? I don't get that last part btw, please elaborate.


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
I have reports dozens of hackers over the years.... never once got compensation

I guess it has to do with interpreting, I'm no native speaker and the only thing I desperately want to tell is that I also have report hackers, cheaters over and over.
1)It is about when I am/was attacked by players who get 5 stars, with troops and/or skills that would never get 5 stars on my base.
2) When this happends I check the base of the attacker who couldn't do the damage to my base under normal circumstances
3) I check the attackers base: if the attackers base is visually not coorect, in other words: to many upgrades, Space Age troops on a CWA base etc. I send a Screen Shot with my complaint to CS.
4) I tell them I was robbed of medals, resources etc. and the were illegally taken from me due to cheating I always got 300 crowns from CS.
That's it.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2015
Did the same reporting glitch users over and over. Nothing got fixed. Been playing Dominations for more than 3 years and spent lots of money on the game. Now started to use those glitches myself because I'm fedup with devs not caring. Then got my account banned. I suggest to everyone using those glitches in order to push devs into fixing those game glitches. AlsoAdid not receive crowns for completing IronSource offer once more. Customer service doesn't care. IronSource is a scam.Google for Instructions for using the matrix glitch Dominations.
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