Different War Types


Approved user
Feb 18, 2016
So the way I understand wars work now, we pick how many people we want to be in the war by 5's, then we are grouped with another warring nation that has the same number, then there is a 24 hour planning period, then 24 hours of attacking, then 5 minutes to finish up any last minute battles and then a winner. Over all it takes a little over 2 days to have a full war.

My suggestion is that we are able to choose different types of war. So for instance, maybe we feel that our alliance doesn't need 24 hours to plan, so we pick a quick war. 12 hour planning period, 12 hours of war, that 5 minute buffer, since the war time and planning time is shorter and the loot won can be increased. Maybe we want to do a very fast war, 6 hours to plan, 6 hours of war, etc. again with less time to prepare the loot gained should increase.

I suggest this because more often than not I see alliances start a war, which has momentum in the beginning but having to wait so long gets boring. Then I have to make sure I log on tomorrow to be part of the war, but if something happens or I get busy I might miss it completely it miss making both attacks. But with less time to wait, those alliances who are very fast with planning or ready for war, can have their wars quickly and move on to the next war quicker helping to upgrade civilizations a little faster and creating a more challenging war.

Longshot 333

Approved user
Mar 22, 2016
I understand what you are saying about the momentum of the war from starting it and then being able to attack but I think the 24 hours for planning and attacking has its advantages. I believe you for sure need 24's to attack for those in a differ me time zone or busy days where getting on is just hard but I would love to see a 12 hour planning. Day with 24 hour attack day. I think it could very easily give the war more momentum to stay fun and engaging. I know for my alliance I start wars when people are on and we have the planning day over in 10 minutes but still have to wait the 24 hours. I don't see any reason they couldn't make 12 hours of planing a new update to war. If you are worried about retraining troops to donate that's where you must rely on your alliance to help. overall, I love war and I feel like they are trying to do what they can and workin on it hard and WHEN they add war replays and allow them to be seen by your whole team both when attacking and defending it will make the war more engaging.
Hope this helps let me know what you think.


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
I think they do 2 days wars for balance, because loot is too large for 12 hours battle(6 hours + 6 hours). If they do often, they must decrease loot....


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
You have to remember that people from all over the world, and thus in many time zones, play this game. If an alliance has members in vastly different zones providing less than 24 hours for each phase could cause there to be an unfair advantage to an alliance due to people sleeping in one zone, can only log on at certain times of day, etc.


Approved user
Feb 18, 2016
I see what you guys are saying about time zones and such, however; if you use your alliance correctly and the planning time correctly then that shouldn't be an issue. The whole reason for having the alliance and planning period is so that you can plan out the war. The leaders of the alliance should be talking to alliance members to find out if and when they think a good time for a war would be and how many to include. By the time the war has started, alliance members should know they have 12 hours or 6 hours or 24 hours to plan and then another 6 or 12 or 24 hours to attack. I'm not saying people have to be dedicated to this game and spend every waking hour on it. But even with different time zones it should be to hard to get in twice in a 12 hour period, 24 hour period, or 48 hour period. And I feel like it would allow the alliances that are stronger and use their alliance well to fight more challenging battles with others who use the alliance well.
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