• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.9 is on the way! This larger update will give Alliances a new Parliament Branch to explore. Our players in Drone Age and beyond can look forward to new books to research in the Library. We also give you an early glimpse at two upcoming Legendary Artifacts, and highlight the next Councilor for your Council Chambers!

New Parliament Branch - Defense Funding
Many of our highly productive Alliances have expressed that they’re hoping we’re adding more to the Parliament Building. With 12.9 we’ll be introducing the Defense Funding branch, this branch helps your Alliance Members navigate Defensive upgrades, and improves Defenses in World Wars. This feature won’t be live until the Update is available for all players.

Trap EfficiencyNo PrerequisiteResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 15 minutes (to a minimum of Instant)1200
2Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 30 minutes (to a minimum of Instant)1350
3Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 1 Hour (to a minimum of Instant)1500
4Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 1.5 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)1650
5Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 2 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)1800
6Caltrops Effect and Trigger Range increased by 12050
7Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 3 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)2300
8Spike Trap Damage Range increased by 12550
9Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 5 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)2800
10Signal Flare Attack and Movement Speed Bonus increased by 5%3050

Defensive DistractionPrerequisite: Level 5 Trap EfficiencyResource: Food
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 3%2000
2S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 2%2300
3Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 6%2600
4S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 4%2900
5Decoy Trap Trigger Radius increased by 13200
6S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 6%3600
7Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 9%4000
8S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 10%4400
9Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 12%4800
10Decoy Trap Distraction Radius increased by 15200

Fortified CastlePrerequisite: Level 5 Trap EfficiencyResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Castle Hitpoints increased by 4%2000
2Castle Hitpoints increased by 8%2300
3Castle Hitpoints increased by 12%2600
4Castle Hitpoints increased by 16%2900
5Castle Hitpoints increased by 20%3200
6Castle Damage increased by 4%3600
7Castle Damage increased by 8%4000
8Castle Damage increased by 12%4400
9Castle Damage increased by 16%4800
10Castle Spawn Detection Radius increased by 15200

Rallied ReinforcementsPrerequisite: Level 5 Defensive DistractionResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Stable HP increased by 5%1400
2Stable Defender HP increased by 5%2150
3Garrison HP increased by 5%2900
4Garrison Defender HP increased by 5%3650
5Stable HP increased by 10%4500
6Stable Defender HP increased by 10%5200
7Garrison HP increased by 10%5900
8Garrison Defender HP increased by 10%6600
9Stable Defender Maximum increased by 17300
10Garrison Defender Maximum increased by 18000

General GuidancePrerequisite: Level 5 Fortified CastleResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Generals Damage increased by 2%1400
2Generals Hitpoints increased by 2%2150
3Generals Damage increased by 4%2900
4Generals Hitpoints increased by 4%3650
5Generals Damage increased by 6%4500
6Generals Hitpoints increased by 6%5200
7Generals Damage increased by 8%5900
8Generals Hitpoints increased by 8%6600
9Generals Damage increased by 10%7300
10Generals Hitpoints increased by 10%8000

Overwhelming FirePrerequisite: Level 5 Rallied Reinforcements & General GuidanceResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Ballista Tower Hitpoints increased by 5%3000
2Ballista Tower Damage increased by 5%3500
3Catapult Hitpoints increased by 5%4000
4Catapult Damage increased by 5%4500
5Redoubt Hitpoints increased by 5%5000
6Redoubt Damage increased by 5%5500
7Sniper Tower Damage increased by 5%6000
8Tower Hitpoints increased by 5%6500
9Tower Damage increased by 5%7000
10Defensive Tower Hitpoints and Damage increased by 5%7500

Supported StructuresPrerequisite: Level 5 Overwhelming FireResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Bunker Hitpoints increased by 3%4000
2Bunker Hitpoints increased by 6%4500
3Bunker Hitpoints increased by 9%5000
4Bunker Hitpoints increased by 12%5500
5Bunker Defender Spawn Time reduced by 10%6000
6Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 3%6500
7Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 6%7000
8Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 9%7500
9Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 12%8000
10Rocket Arsenal Defender Spawn Time reduced by 10%8500

New Upgrade Level - Drone Age Library
The next upgrade we’re adding is the Drone Age Library building, which comes with a new set of books for the Through the Ages Bookcase!

Level 16
Upgrade Time 16dCitizens Req’d
Through the Ages Bookcase

Economy Book: Dividend Returns
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Drone Train Cost -25%150,000 Oil5d2,300
Directive Research Cost -10%200,000 Oil10d8,000
Oil Well Storage Size +10%20,000,000 Gold12d12h9,000
Directive Research Time -10%25,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Armory Research Time -5%335,000 Oil20d11,000

Economy Book: Exalted Benefactions
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Air Superiority and Air Defense Blessings Power +6%10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Loot Blessing Power +4%15,000,000 Food10d8,000
Tower and Fortification Blessings Power +8%20,000,000 Food12d12h9,000
Oil Blessing Power +4%25,000,000 Food15d10,000
Weapon and Armor Blessings Power +5%27,500,000 Food20d11,000

Defensive Book: Commanding Defense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Stable Defender HP +10%10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Drone Command HP +10%200,000 Oil10d8,000
Bunker Spawn Rate +10%250,000 Oil12d12h9,000
Claymore DMG Range (increases Explosion Radius, not Trigger Radius) +125,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Defensive Drone Radius +1335,000 Oil20d11,000

Offensive Book: Commanding Offense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Ground Troops Deal +15% more DMG to Air Defense10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Reroute Cooldown -2s200,000 Oil10d8,000
Bazooka DMG +8%250,000 Oil12d12h9,000
Ground Troops deal +15% more DMG to Decoy Trap25,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Offensive Drone Radius +1335,000 Oil20d11,000

New Legendary Artifacts
Two New Legendary Artifacts, one for each hall, are currently scheduled for release this Autumn! The upcoming Main Hall Artifact of Celtic origin will give your Transports and Paratroopers boosts. The War Hall Artifact will show improvements for your Barracks Troops!

Keep an eye out in future Week Aheads for their full reveals!

New Councilor - Samuel Morse
The inventor of the Morse Telegraph, Samuel Morse, will be joining the Council Chambers!

Samuel Morse will be first available on 8/26!


Bazooka DMG +5%Bazooka DMG +6%Bazooka DMG +7%Bazooka DMG +9%Bazooka DMG +12%
Bazooka ATK Speed +6%Bazooka ATK Speed +8%Bazooka ATK Speed +10%Bazooka ATK Speed +13%
Generals HP +7%Generals HP +9%Generals HP +12%
Paratrooper HP & DMG +7%Paratrooper HP & DMG +10%
Heavy Tank DMG +14%
Fighter HP +5%Fighter HP +6%Fighter HP +7%Fighter HP +9%Fighter HP +12%
Fighter DMG +4%Fighter DMG +5% Fighter DMG +7% Fighter DMG +10%
Bomber DMG +7%Bomber DMG +9%Bomber DMG +12%
Bomber DMG & HP +7%Bomber DMG & HP +10%
Recon Scan Bonus DMG +10%
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we need to understand why you keep releasing more stuff favoring defence. What is the goal and when will it stop?
Do you have something big for offence hidden for the future?
If you've been here for the 9yrs you should know it's always 3 steps forward for D, 2 steps forward for O. They gotta have a reason to sell crowns and TTs.
I can't disagree with those who are complaining about the difficulty attackers have in getting 5 stars, as that has been a reality for most of DomiNations' history.

A large portion of players were fed up with a game that lacked difficulty, with full scores and complete destruction, always bringing the game down to the final tiebreaker criterion, which is the total time each alliance takes.

Another significant portion of players was frustrated, and rightfully so, that their defensive bases simply didn't defend anything.

There was a lot of noise and protests demanding more balance, an end to full-score wars, and greater chances for defenders to see their bases play a relevant role.

Apparently, BHG is, in the long term, addressing all those demands we made two years ago or more.

And in my opinion, they are succeeding in bringing greater balance between attack and defense.

As mentioned before, a top-tier defensive player should be able to withstand major assaults and retain at least some stars.

Attackers need to understand that at this moment in DomiNations, getting 3 or 4 stars on a top-tier defensive base is a goal. It's a great shot, a great attack. Celebrate, because that was a goal.

That is balance.

What is not balance is attackers thinking that getting 5 stars, even with a struggle and difficulty, is balanced. That is completely wrong.

Finally, I agree with those who mentioned the lack of attack options. Here, there is indeed a lack of balance—balance among offensive troops so that more attack options can be explored. I fully agree with this. This would be even more challenging for defenders who want to succeed.
We haven’t even giving the update a chance yet.
Yet here go with people going quit blah and blah.
Facts are it’s not big of deal for Defense as you will see in long run.

If game was run right it would be super rare and hard as hell to 5 star a true T-1 Defender and every star should count in war. But they will give in I am sure and cower to complaints from O players. Till then let comedy show flow lol
Yeah, lets see what happens when it goes live but you have to admit that these changes are a little heavy handed. Typical BHG sledgehammer approach to swatting a fly.
D has always been ahead of O when they plan these changes and this reminds me of the great "Rebalance" about 4-5 yrs ago where D changes outnumbered O changes. At least in that rebalance O troops and buildings at least got some love even though the same boosts that applied to a defending troop didn't apply to the attacking version - and I expect the same with this update.
That seems to be normal in the BHG universe - and it's also normal in the BHG universe that when players say Offense, BHG hears Defense. 🙄

Mind you, this is the same company that gave us extra range for troops then gave us a drone to take that away - and that drone is getting a wider radius now.
And this is the same company that gave us bastions and gave us a drone to nullify the bastions.
The troops damage bonus applies to decoy traps - yet the parliament chapters have decoy boosts.
The troops have bonuses against specific defences - yet the defence building bonuses apply to all troops - naturally.
I've seen multiple complaints about tough bases with fast spawners and protected spawners so naturally buildings are now spawning faster, right?
They're not even trying to be subtle about these changes anymore.

And this is the same company that won't try to fix bugs because it's too hard. Just easier to change the ingame text, right?

Oh well, let's see what happens.
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Finally, I agree with those who mentioned the lack of attack options. Here, there is indeed a lack of balance—balance among offensive troops so that more attack options can be explored.
Why have only 10-20% of available troops as a viable option?
And why continue to push the same select troops via these library updates? And if you do, why not choose neglected troops for a change?
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Those complaints about offence should know this, I have two auto age one is offence and one is defence. You are wrong

I was just 5 stared in 2 minute and 15 seconds. All defence is maxed.plus manufectury is almost maxed on defence.

So how could he 5 star me? The answer lies in the musuem. He had -139 on enemy defender spewn. And over -100 on all tower damage and hitpoints. He walked trough my base like nothing. Oh and he had the mortars damage plus 70 and hitpoints..

It's all about musuem. And I have rebuild my musuem to many times and now I'm done. So I still play but much less. And I used to spend but now I'm done they killed the game with all those unreal changes.

I have so much more to say maybe another time
The musuem needs to be remodeled completely otherwise no matter the changes they do is worthless. The only good thing in this update is the traps radius for some traps. And bunker spewn time
Rafer I agree with you. But asi said these changes for defense is not much help against some. Explain to me why I can be starred in 2:15 as a strong defence 453 auto age max defence strong musuem
Rafer I agree with you. But asi said these changes for defense is not much help against some. Explain to me why I can be starred in 2:15 as a strong defence 453 auto age max defence strong musuem
Is this player a T1 attacker - or are you being easily 5starred by everyone?
No one can defend against everyone. If this is a one-off then that's perfectly fine. If you have a 70% or 80% successful defend rate then that's the way it should be.
Admittedly "successful defend" means different things to different people ... 😄
we need to understand why you keep releasing more stuff favoring defence. What is the goal and when will it stop?
Do you have something big for offence hidden for the future?
Seriously? Mortar damage is being buffed more for 3 more months. Bombers and fighters are getting buffs while they are already very strong in museums, council and Manufactory. Attackers are smashing big defenses left and right. Attackers just got a major directive to nerf bastions and traps. And it’s mobile and can be used to clear a path throughout a base.
We’ve seen ONE 3 month event where defense got huge buffs. Every other event attackers got more and better buffs.
BHG is held hostage to attackers because they are the majority and complain the most. Sales at BHG are down so they have no choice but to favor attackers.
If attackers can’t 5 star a base they cry it’s not fair. It’s ridiculous. This is a war game, not an attacking game. 5 star attacks should not be the norm, it should be the exception.
Truth be told, the Mortar attacks are killing the game. Many defenders have given up. When you think about it. Mortars are illogical. They’ve been used to take advantage of even the strongest defenses. BHG, has and is causing their own game problems by continually upgrading and focusing on them. What they should have done is buff HT’s and or bazookas for this next 3 month event. Attackers would have given them a chance. But no, instead BHG gives in to the crying attackers.

I love the game and have been playing for 9 years. I consider myself one of the strongest defenders in the game. But, even I am considering quitting now. Why waste my time spending and upgrading while BHG consistently stack the deck against me. It’s sad to see such a wonderful game heading down the wrong road.
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Seriously? Mortar damage is being buffed more for 3 more months.
Yeah but it's a seasonal thing, not a permanent change. But yeah, BHG are killing other viable options by concentrating on select troops.
Personally I've never understood the appeal of mortars. They shoot too slow and most times end up shooting at rubble after your BETTER troops have destroyed a building. The very idea that a squad mortar can outrange a hellfire missile is something that only exists in the BHG universe.

This is a war game, not an attacking game. 5 star attacks should not be the norm, it should be the exception.
This again? Of course it's an attacking game. If no one attacked, there'd be no war. However agree that 5 stars should not be the norm.

What they should have done is buff HT’s and or bazookas
Agreed - or any other troops that their statistics would show are not being used regularly.
I can't disagree with those who are complaining about the difficulty attackers have in getting 5 stars, as that has been a reality for most of DomiNations' history.

A large portion of players were fed up with a game that lacked difficulty, with full scores and complete destruction, always bringing the game down to the final tiebreaker criterion, which is the total time each alliance takes.

Another significant portion of players was frustrated, and rightfully so, that their defensive bases simply didn't defend anything.

There was a lot of noise and protests demanding more balance, an end to full-score wars, and greater chances for defenders to see their bases play a relevant role.

Apparently, BHG is, in the long term, addressing all those demands we made two years ago or more.

And in my opinion, they are succeeding in bringing greater balance between attack and defense.

As mentioned before, a top-tier defensive player should be able to withstand major assaults and retain at least some stars.

Attackers need to understand that at this moment in DomiNations, getting 3 or 4 stars on a top-tier defensive base is a goal. It's a great shot, a great attack. Celebrate, because that was a goal.

That is balance.

What is not balance is attackers thinking that getting 5 stars, even with a struggle and difficulty, is balanced. That is completely wrong.

Finally, I agree with those who mentioned the lack of attack options. Here, there is indeed a lack of balance—balance among offensive troops so that more attack options can be explored. I fully agree with this. This would be even more challenging for defenders who want to succeed.
Very well said.
A win truthfully is 1 star. Offense should not be able to 5 star every base. Time wars are boring and mean there is serious unbalance.

I am level 478 it should be very rare I get 5 starred under 3 min. Not the days info age player smoking high level drone bases under 130 that is big old crock of Doo Doo.

So complain all y’all want balance mean just that.
i like the laws perhaps the uni leader will help with offence as well as the manufactory. but the id prefer the spawn radius to be what it was before or to change it to making the castle range+1 (7 to 8) over general detection radius
I'll be very brief - this hasn't been fixed still (not to mention many others), the second update already ignores obvious issues and bugs.
Will there be a timer or an advance notification?
Will it be unlocked silently or will you send a newsletter in-game?
Will you unlock the feature at midnight so that everyone has a whole day or will we be out of luck depending on the time zone?
The rollout has been going smoothly and as such the Parliament Branch is currently planned to be unlocked on Monday. There will be a required update for all players who aren't already on 12.9, and once that goes out the dev team will be turning the feature on. There is no specific time for this release.
Seriously? Mortar damage is being buffed more for 3 more months. Bombers and fighters are getting buffs while they are already very strong in museums, council and Manufactory. Attackers are smashing big defenses left and right. Attackers just got a major directive to nerf bastions and traps. And it’s mobile and can be used to clear a path throughout a base.
We’ve seen ONE 3 month event where defense got huge buffs. Every other event attackers got more and better buffs.
BHG is held hostage to attackers because they are the majority and complain the most. Sales at BHG are down so they have no choice but to favor attackers.
If attackers can’t 5 star a base they cry it’s not fair. It’s ridiculous. This is a war game, not an attacking game. 5 star attacks should not be the norm, it should be the exception.
Truth be told, the Mortar attacks are killing the game. Many defenders have given up. When you think about it. Mortars are illogical. They’ve been used to take advantage of even the strongest defenses. BHG, has and is causing their own game problems by continually upgrading and focusing on them. What they should have done is buff HT’s and or bazookas for this next 3 month event. Attackers would have given them a chance. But no, instead BHG gives in to the crying attackers.

I love the game and have been playing for 9 years. I consider myself one of the strongest defenders in the game. But, even I am considering quitting now. Why waste my time spending and upgrading while BHG consistently stack the deck against me. It’s sad to see such a wonderful game heading down the wrong road.

Of all the posts, you chose mine to quote. Thanks!!

Our wars at the top 20 show that strikers really need to be perfect to get the five stars and that neither team reaches max stars. Time wars are a thing of the past. That's a fact.

Mortars are the only viable option for the mass. That's a fact too! Fighters/Bombers are for the talented air strikers that can support financially this way of playing. If not for mortars, we wouldn't even see any 2-3 star attacks. Is that what you wanna see to feel content about your base and museum? I don't understand why you keep whining about mortars.

We all love the game, otherwise whhy would we make such patience with that terrible company that produces it ?? (and imagine I am writing this on their forums - i feel a ban is coming :) ), but you need to open your eyes and forget for one moment that you are a defender. Try to see this game from the other side as well. This game was never EVER THAT HARD! NEVER! I consider myself a decent attacker, yet for every 3D base I take down, there is another that I fail within the first 40secs of the battle. Nothing is guaranteed and every mistake I make is being punished right away. So, defence matters and is stronger than ever. And the last update will boost defence even more.
Of all the posts, you chose mine to quote. Thanks!!

Our wars at the top 20 show that strikers really need to be perfect to get the five stars and that neither team reaches max stars. Time wars are a thing of the past. That's a fact.

Mortars are the only viable option for the mass. That's a fact too! Fighters/Bombers are for the talented air strikers that can support financially this way of playing. If not for mortars, we wouldn't even see any 2-3 star attacks. Is that what you wanna see to feel content about your base and museum? I don't understand why you keep whining about mortars.

We all love the game, otherwise whhy would we make such patience with that terrible company that produces it ?? (and imagine I am writing this on their forums - i feel a ban is coming :) ), but you need to open your eyes and forget for one moment that you are a defender. Try to see this game from the other side as well. This game was never EVER THAT HARD! NEVER! I consider myself a decent attacker, yet for every 3D base I take down, there is another that I fail within the first 40secs of the battle. Nothing is guaranteed and every mistake I make is being punished right away. So, defence matters and is stronger than ever. And the last update will boost defence even more.
As you just said, the only viable troop is the mortar. Unfortunately, it is the only viable troop against 3D, there are no other troops to attack defensive bases. As I said in my first comment, there are 16 troops (barracks and factory), but only 2 work. Not to mention the disadvantage that the Fighter and Bomber have when compared to the Transport. This is not a complaint, it is just a report from a guy who has been playing this game since it was released. I disagree with your comment, the game is not balanced and, for those who attack with mortar + transport + artillery, there is no difficulty. You do not need to be skilled, just have 60% health of the transport and 50% damage of the mortar to be able to eliminate any defensive base. Don't forget to activate the 3 coalitions targeting the barracks.
