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Dropping Medals


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Yea this is what I'm reccomend in to my guild. We are not pushing medals at all and we are in the top 50. I laugh at how easy it is to plunder the bases at 500-700 medals. My walls are all lvl 8 now because raiding is so easy.


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
I agree here - drop your medals - I'm level 60, and still struggle at over 700. You have to play at your level, and save and build.


Approved user
Mar 30, 2015
I see your points and you guys are right and i really appriecite the tips and pointers!.
I will have to drop my medals to even 400 cause the middle age and gunpowder age usually whipes my entire base so its hard to save up the gold and food, but on the other hand i hardly see players having over 40k food or gold, usually its around 20k but i guess ill have to be patient but also feels stupid wasting alot of troops on them.

im wondering about one thing tho, sometimes when i attack lets say a level 52 player i can gain 14 medals and lose 21 medals if i dont get the town center, but if i attack a person who is at level 40 i can gain around 18-24 medals and lose 8-14 if i dont get the town center. To me that seems wierd lol, and id like to very much know and understand how it exactly works if anyone who knows and can bother to explaining that to me :).


Approved user
Apr 3, 2015
About dropping medals, you do it by leaving Town Centre outside the walls or there are more ways to do so?


Approved user
Mar 29, 2015
You can also use horse Raiders that only go for loot, so you often loose the raid but gain loot.


Approved user
Jan 17, 2015
Just put one cheapest soldier and leave the game to lose your medals.. If can, loot some farm.. Just my 2 cent tactics


Approved user
Jun 19, 2015
I'm currently lvl 56 with a medal count of around 950 My raiding is extremely difficult but I'm thinking about dropping medals so I can max out my base... Which I'm having trouble with ofc... Only problem is I want to atleast be the top players of my division.. I guess I just want to be acknowledged.. But my base is suffering. And I have to do what's best. I thought about if I were to join an alliance. I'd be on the top of the alliance list.... I never really cared for the rewards.. I guess I'm just going to take the easy way and drop medals instead of taking the hard way... But I atleast want to hit the 1000 medal bench mark..

Sir Herou

Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
Drop below 400 and don't care about medals ;) the loot below 400 is extremely yummy with a lot of cheaters that don't have a clue how to build a base ;)

The loot-bonus isn´t worth it man! Come join us in the lower leages and prosper ;)

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
As the original poster of this topic back in March, I no longer recommend this tactic, unless your base needs time to build or if you just want to smash lower level bases for fun...and yes that is fun! If you are a higher level, I recommend going for more medals, as the league rewards are much better now than they were in March. I'm over 2200 medals and I'm getting 55k gold and food and 80 oil barrels as a bonus in each battle. Attacking a base that has 1k in loot is actually worth it with that sort of bonus. I am level 128 though. If you are under level 100, it's a better strategy to stay low on medals. Main thing is to have fun and enjoy the game in your own style.
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Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
I can't seem to find any profitable bases passed the 1K medal mark, so I continue to stay low. Will consider chasing medals when I have everything maxed-out.

Sir Herou

Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
When I was at 700-1100 medals I did around 500-600k Loot/hour...

After the drop below 500 I do at least 1,2 Mill to 2,5 Mill...

Do the math and you will probably consider the option to drop ;)

And as I said before: Welcome down and prosper! ;)

The Prince

Approved user
May 6, 2015
No worry, when I was in Classical, I felt my troops were bunch of disaster but slowly gained back momentum when reached Medieval troops for earlier loots, couple with upgraded tactics, increased armies by age

If you're classical, better loot back classical based to keep ur army alive and you have to play some tactics of drop medals but hunt resources when almost half of ur army is on training. It's hard for a classical age to raid a medieval based due to double ballista tower and your army is smaller count couple with weaker mercenary and esp, war tactics.

I am sure you gain back your confidence when you have medieval army and subsequently gun powder army for better loots.


Apr 9, 2015
Well, you mat try it a little bit more and get a bit higher. 1200 is just fine. It also depends on if you can take down max base with 1m of loot. Even if you fight 3 times on training blessing and getting 700k on average, you get 2,1m in 30 mins. Sometime you may drop medals there too and get a lot for some soldiers/raiders. On low medals you can't benefit from training blessing too good, because may spend time on finding an opponent and those useless battles. P.s. Old good thread ;)