EA Farming?


Approved user
Apr 23, 2015
I was 100% max gunpowerder age including all walls and everything, but as soon as I hit enlightenment age, my farming rate dropped to basically zero. Everything is either way too fortified to the point I have to spend more food on my army than I get back, or just contains no loot. I can't farm EA age at all. I don't get it. Is there any half decent medal range or army comp that works for this age?


Approved user
Sep 30, 2015
What medal range are you at now? If you can climb to kingdom league (2000 medals) you start getting a good league bonus per battle (40k gold/food and more as you climb) such that you can at least get more resources than you spend per battle regardless of the loot available. It can be tough climbing up while trying to gain resources at the same time but it is worth it once you're there :)


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I played at the 800 - 1000 medal range for a while when I first reached EA age (wasn't that long ago) and I had no problems finding loot and didn't worry too much about losing the battles either. Work with wall breakers and raiders and concentrate just on getting the loot. Be sure to upgrade everything offensively first. The temple, armoury and barracks are a must first, as well as the extra troop space obtained through library research. The TB will make a BIG difference so make the temple the number one priority.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
EA age players can only attack players in GP, EA, and IA ages. The majority of active (meaning with good loot) bases are not in the silver/gold leagues for those ages. You might try gold league and get better targets.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
It was when I got to EA I switched to dragoon raiders - they could attack anything. It was around the time of the major HC nerf and Industrial came out, so 5*ing armies didn't work anymore and 50% of bases were max cheater bases that sprouted like mushrooms on day 1 of IA release.

I had already started a leisurely climb of the medals once I had max GP army, never had a looting problem since.

Downside with the latest 'balance/tweak' is if you aren't already above 2000 medals, chances are you are never going to get there unless you spend $$ on troop speed ups or play 6+ hours a day.

Climbing medals is only for the foolhardy. :)


Approved user
May 14, 2015
5staring is very doable in 600-1000 range. I do it every day and get the loot I need to still progress in IA. The key unit to thrive is healer. I bring 3 supply trucks in my army


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
I was 100% max gunpowerder age including all walls and everything, but as soon as I hit enlightenment age, my farming rate dropped to basically zero. Everything is either way too fortified to the point I have to spend more food on my army than I get back, or just contains no loot. I can't farm EA age at all. I don't get it. Is there any half decent medal range or army comp that works for this age?

I experienced the same problem. Felt like hitting a brick wall. Almost rage quit a few times. I think this is the most difficult time because the GP you are being matched with are at the top of their game, the more experienced EA are finding their groove and the IA above you have tanks, enormous walls and are nearly impossible to get both resources and a win on the same attack. As others have said here focus on offense. Get training blessing first and foremost. If you have a free day to spend grinding your way up to kingdom league do it. It's the only way you will get there other than spending. Then you can breathe easy, and enjoy the game again with the bonuses covering the bulk of your losses.

Jasonian Empire

Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
Sounds like you really have to adapt your play strategy when you git GP Age (which I am quite close to doing). I'm looking forward to the new challenge. Exploring and finding new strategies in different play environments is one of the things that keeps a strategy game interesting, IMO.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
1. Get the training blessing.
2. Switch to raiders and wall miners
3. Offensive upgrade first.
4 Climb as high as you can.

This is for farming, play how you like.