Exploration Library Research - Not even close to worth it!


Approved user
May 15, 2015
Clearing forests gets expensive, and the 10% discount doesn't change that. In fact, I only researched it to unlock the next economic technology. From there it gets much worse! Save 50% on clearing debris? Are you serious? When has anyone past stone age ever thought debris clearing was a major expense? Oh, but we're not done yet! Spend more than half a million for a 5% chance at seeing an animal! What, is this animal a unicorn worth 200 crowns? No? My grandchildren will be dead before that one pays for itself! My suggestions: First, make chapter 1 into free debris clearing, yes free! Next, make chapter 2 a 50% discount in forest clearing expenses. Finally, make chapter 3 a 50% reduction in forest clearing time.