Exposed City Center


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I am a level 310 DA and like to stay at the low end of Empire (2600 to 2800 medals). I find that to be a good place to collect NTGs (lots of low end CWAs available) while also having the possibility of 26k oil victory chest rewards. My problem was I would log off for a few hours and have 10 medal dropping attacks against me. I could easily go over 3000 medals. I spent a lot of time medal dropping to get back to my preferred range.

Then I started using an exposed TC base design, thinking the first person to attack me would snipe my TC, I'd get a peace treaty for the price of 100k oil (which I'm always full of anyway) and not have to medal drop as much. I also made it fairly easy to get my mills and markets (remember, always full of) so I can collect from farms and caravans to meet goals. I thought you might be interested in my experience.

About 20% of attackers do what I expected; drop 1 infantry to trigger the TC defenders, drop another on the other side of my base to draw them away, then heavy infantry, AVs or bazookas to finish off my TC. About 1 in 4 also collect food and gold. Quick, clean, and everybody wins.

I still get about 20% medal drop attacks. meh.

5% are bomber attacks for my oil. Only half of those succeed due to cunningly placed towers/air defense/SAMs. That was sarcastic. It is blatantly obvious that the bomber flight path is death alley. Still they try.
10% of attacks are serious attempts to destroy my base, almost all using transports/paratroopers. I have placed ambush traps and land mines at the frequent drop spots, so most of the time those attackers fail to get my oil.

What surprised me was the number of the players who don't know how (or don't want) to snipe a TC. They just drop their entire army next to my TC and get killed. Most of them then decide to drop their generals and mercs and use their aircraft, probably intending to use an instant retrain. Some of them even go after my generals just to spite me I think. I revenge those players.

All in all it is nowhere near as beneficial to have an exposed TC as I had hoped. The things that annoys me most are losing my alliance troops and losing my generals. However, on balance, I am going to stick with it since I dislike medal dropping so much.
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
interesting post.

My strategy to avoid constant medal dropping since I also hate it...
Make a few attacks, the one after the other. When I cannot attack anymore, due to loses, I medal drop 3-4 times in a row. That's it. No more.
So the medals I gained from succesful attacks are all gone.


Using this method, I almost always stay around 2300-2500 medals


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Im level 98, Enlightment Age. At which level or age I will be able to get that exposed City Center building?


Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
Tsamu, I can honestly say that in the almost 5 years I have played this game I have never protected my City Center. It is always on the edge. unprotected with traps and other defensive buildings reasonably far away. I used to sit in a low medal range but for the last year I sit in the 3200-3400 range. I get sniped almost 100% of the time when my oil is low. If oil is high, I have people go all out maybe 1 out of every 5 attacks, the rest are still quick hits for 2 stars. Some actually succeed, most regret it. I doesn't bother me though as the museum loot refund protects 25% of what gets taken (should be higher but I hate grinding in the museum) and I get 1-3 crowns on almost every defense.

Unless you are pushing to see how high you get in medals, I see little value to protecting the city center.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Some of them even go after my generals just to spite me I think.

I don't believe I ever attacked you in MP but, I am THAT guy. If my Oil is full, I would snipe your TC first then trigger your Generals, lure them away towards the edge of the map, then send planes and a couple of Bazookas to kill your Generals.

I'm 100% certain people find this extremely annoying. 😏😎😂


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
But Why?! What do you get out of it? It's just mean.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
I also have a TC for a long time standing at the edge, and I also hate dropping medals, the last time I did it a couple of years ago )). But because of this, I sit with 3700+ medals constantly and yearn for bad raids..
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Yes. It is mean but I find it entertaining.

Well first of all I don't go out of my way to get to your Generals. I only do it if my Oil is full and your Castle/Fort is sitting outside of walls, exposed. I don't go for low level Generals. Mostly level 50+.

If they have 3 50+ level Generals in Castle/Fort that means:
A. They have more 50+ level Generals
B. They're not in War and those Generals are surplus

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I'm 256 Space Age. Even though my base is too easy to defeat, I find it too difficult to remain below the Kingdom Leagues...


New member
Feb 6, 2020
Thanks for that Tsamu, I like reading genuine chat about tactics and things to try, or not try. I also leave my TC outside my walls but I'm only Atomic age and I'm not sure how much difference it makes, if I'm honest I'm not actually attacked very much, maybe twice a week!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
twice a week??? that's weird. I am da 283 and i still get attacked 3-4 times per day!!


Approved user
Dec 6, 2019
I usually get only medal dropping attacks, there is no full attack tommy base in the last three weeks... But I am only AA, lvl 255.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
wrathchild_78, twice a week is consistent with my experience for my Atomic alt. Atomic players can only be attacked by CWA, and if you are over level 200 with active traps and defensive blessings, they will leave you alone and hit one of the plentiful level 160s.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2020
I am in gunpowder age and I am using an exposed town center layout since medieval. It surely helps a lot. It helps me to use the defenses to protect my resources.
To stay in a lower medal count I just use raiders to drop medals. They also get me some quick resources along with dropping my medals