Farms and Caravan upgrades are far too expensive for what they provide


Approved user
Apr 15, 2015
I've just reached the Classical age and started off by upgrading my economy, Upgrading Farms and Caravans both take 30k resources to upgrade from 5 -> 6 and 80k from 6-> 7. The problem is that both of these upgrades only provide 130 resources per hour. Which means that if I were to upgrade a caravan to level 6 it would take me 230 hours to make my investment back. Going to level 7 will take 615 hours!! Thats 9.5 and 25 DAYS respectively to make upgrading farms/caravans profitable! All of this is assuming I never get raided and have no resources stolen as well. I assume it just gets worse as you progress into the medieval age and beyond.

Could you please either lower the cost of Caravan/Farm upgrades or increase the output with what each level provides with every upgrade, because right now they are a useless money sink that no reasonable player should ever seriously upgrade.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
You forgot about the resource loss WHILE upgrading aswell throw on some more days plz ;p


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
Highly support your request. The upgrade cost is way more than what the farm and Caravan produce. .Also, i feel percentage for the loot is high. Since couple days, i have an trying to save 150K for an upgrade and i was 1000 food short. I got raid 2 times in 12 mins and lost 49K. Just for comparison, in clash of clans i had 351K elixir and the loot available was just 32K. Even 8 hrs of peace treaty is not much of a use. I think they should do something about it. :(


Approved user
Feb 16, 2015
Highly support your request. The upgrade cost is way more than what the farm and Caravan produce. .Also, i feel percentage for the loot is high. Since couple days, i have an trying to save 150K for an upgrade and i was 1000 food short. I got raid 2 times in 12 mins and lost 49K. Just for comparison, in clash of clans i had 351K elixir and the loot available was just 32K. Even 8 hrs of peace treaty is not much of a use. I think they should do something about it. :(

I've been playing since December and just moved to Enlightenment Age.

Firstly, the %loot able to be stolen from storages at around 22% and does not go down as you advance age. (although the loot cap increases) This allows active players to fill their storages faster.

Secondly the pathetic 4 hour shields and no bonus for winning. What this means is that an attacker can destroy your village up to 49%, take 22% of your storages, leave and then you won't get a shield, so another attacker can do the same all over again! And when someone does destroy your town centre, you get a small 4hour shield, or a 8hour shield if they destroy 50%. This means that there are more villages to attack 'on the market'

Unfortunately the game is not friendly to casual players who can't attack often or stay online for long periods of time. In any age, you have to attack multiple times in a row and stay online for you to upgrade or progress in this game. If you have more than a decent amount of loot, you will be attacked multiple times within 5 minutes of your phone 'sleeping'...therefore undoing any progress you made.

say you are 80% resource progress to your next upgrade after 3-5 attacks in a row, the last losing your entire army so you log off. Within 2 minutes of logging off you will be attacked twice (1st gets 49% and most of your loot, 2nd wipes you clean with 100%). Due to the loot % mechanics, that brings you back down to 50% of progress to your next upgrade as the % loot that can be stolen is so high

this will happen regardless whether your medal count is high or low. If it is low, weaker opponents will fail to get your loot and push your medal count back up high until someone trashes your base.

As farms and caravan upgrades are relatively cheap in comparison to defences etc, casual players upgrade them first to a high level...then give up the game, leading to more 'zombie villages' for other more active players to raid.

David Pasquinel

Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
Well, to compensate the wait time waiting the resources stuff, I think that as stated before you can gather resources rapidly if you downgrade your trophies and raid the Iron/Classical age ghost/really bad design towns. If there is not a ballista present, a near full-stack cavalry charge with some archer support would torn the city apart with little to no damage to your troops, just make sure that the catapult(s) hit the deck first. Retrain the losses and repeat the cycle. This game favors agressive play with the "survivor soldiers come back if the defenses are scrapped" mechanic.

More battles won, more resources coming back fast. Just don't wait passively as your economy stuffy stuffs are upgrading. Spend your free time with the game robbing more than you can normaly generate, and the loss of resources during enemy raids would not weight much (or at all) in your progress.

About the peace treaty, I think that the "shield-elegibility and shield-time" should go through the CoC path, wich I mean that shield-time would pop up if 40% of your base or your town center get the stick, and the extinction of the 4h shield. I would like the 12h and 16h format, but 8h and 12h shields are reasonable.