Fix Greeks ASAP Please


Approved user
Apr 23, 2015
So I started playing this game two/three weeks ago, and I already spent about $60 on it. I mention this because I assume that this means that I am exactly the kind of sucker I mean user whom Nexon would want to keep hooked.

When I started the game, I picked Greece. That was a terrible mistake. Through no fault of my own. Who can possibly reliably evaluate nuanced nation bonuses before they get any experience at playing the game?

Now that I am at the end of classical age I realize how terrible Greeks are. It only dawned on me when I joined an alliance and nobody would want my unit donations. My fully-upgraded Royal Companions that I was so proud of were called "useless" by other players. Useless??

I decided to test their opinion, and switched my army, going from 6 Companions (that's 36 out of 65 spots), to 0 companions, attacking with just one wall miner, a couple of horse raiders, and 32 phalanx + 17 bowmen. And holy crap, with this simplified army, I got better results, and with far less work during battles!

I can only imagine what a joy it is to be of another race, and have actual special units that you can use. I regret being Greek.

I've already paid money to save time, so you can tell I will not be patient. If you want to keep milking me, fix Greeks within a week. I won't last longer than that.
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Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Dont worry your alliance must be noobs. Companions are the the best unit in the game. Your only at classical age give it time. Use a mixed group of units. Companions should be used for absorbing damage and wok well with archers, Spearman and ballisters.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2015
Wow I hope you're right! I just entered medieval age, so I'll start using ballistas and supply carts shortly. I really hope that helps companions.

David Pasquinel

Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
As Whatwhat says. Companions are the sticks and stones grabbers who take the damage while the archers cover them killing the defending reinforcements and the hoplites/whatever unit you want tear down the buildings. Your alliance guys are wrong. Use of cavalry is a viable tactic on classical, and calling them useless is proof of naivety.


Approved user
Apr 20, 2015
So I started playing this game two/three weeks ago, and I already spent about $60 on it. I mention this because I assume that this means that I am exactly the kind of sucker I mean user whom Nexon would want to keep hooked.

When I started the game, I picked Greece. That was a terrible mistake. Through no fault of my own. Who can possibly reliably evaluate nuanced nation bonuses before they get any experience at playing the game?

Now that I am at the end of classical age I realize how terrible Greeks are. It only dawned on me when I joined an alliance and nobody would want my unit donations. My fully-upgraded Royal Companions that I was so proud of were called "useless" by other players. Useless??

I decided to test their opinion, and switched my army, going from 6 Companions (that's 36 out of 65 spots), to 0 companions, attacking with just one wall miner, a couple of horse raiders, and 32 phalanx + 17 bowmen. And holy crap, with this simplified army, I got better results, and with far less work during battles!

I can only imagine what a joy it is to be of another race, and have actual special units that you can use. I regret being Greek.

I've already paid money to save time, so you can tell I will not be patient. If you want to keep milking me, fix Greeks within a week. I won't last longer than that.

At this level, you are likely to clear bases near your level with 65 Phalanx. Keep trying in experimenting different attack combinations, you will eventually find one that suits you at that level. Of course, do expect to make changes accordingly as you progress into the game. From your comments you seem quite new to this sort of game, so give it some time. It will work out eventually. Good luck!


Aeolieus aka PolarBear

P.S.: WhatWhat is right, time to ditch your alliance and find another one that suits you.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
I regret not choosing Greek. I think Greeks are pretty strong and their Companion unit is pretty good. It also have good advantage over building upgrades.


Apr 13, 2015
im playing Greek until now, 2 weeks passed and i still want to change to Japan or Roman, or UK, or FR not facking china.
The designer might be consider upgrade Greek too! Now is so boring to play. I donate Companion to friend "no i dont need, cost so much slot".
Why Companion need so much slots ? 1 man,1 horse, 3 slots for 1 companion is enought.