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Fortified Stronghold needs a to add stronghold space on Defense


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
FSH says it adds +1 stronghold place which I see offense players use against my wee little base all the time. But what I don’t see is my alliance being able to put 5 troop tactics in my Stronghold.

What I suggest a change where the defense player gets the stronghold space +1 that is listed on FSH.

I would further request players choice D FSH or O FSH where if you choose D you get the extra space only on D and the building acts as normal but if your choice is Offense you get to use the extra space on Offense and the FSH acts as normal defending just no extra defender stronghold space.

This will hopefully stop some of complaining from Defenders like myself that FSH is a pay to win. Would also give reasons for Defense Players to want FSH or even purchase

Thoughts are welcomed
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
FSH says it adds +1 stronghold place which I see offense players use against my wee little base all the time. But what I don’t see is my alliance being able to put 5 troop tactics in my Stronghold.

What I suggest a change where the defense player gets the stronghold space +1 that is listed on FSH.

I would further request players choice D FSH or O FSH where if you choose D you get the extra space only on D and the building acts as normal but if your choice is Offense you get to use the extra space on Offense and the FSH acts as normal defending just no extra defender stronghold space.

This will hopefully stop some of complaining from Defenders like myself that FSH is a pay to win. Would also give reasons for Defense Players to want FSH or even purchase

Thoughts are welcomed
I know there are defenders that this would help. Plus if not allowing defender to extra strong hold space on Defense is what a defensive building should do lol would be even better if the building if the removed it being allowed on offense lol jk O player wouldn’t buy but give us D players real reason to use it.

Romeo Jellybean

New member
Jun 3, 2024
I wouldnt mind 5 troops on offense and defense for any base with a fortified stronghold. (mp as well)
That sounds fairer and easier to manage