• Ending Support for AOS6
    As highlighted in our 12.10 Update notes, we will be ending support for AOS6 with the release of the 12.11 Update due to technical requirements. Those on AOS6 will need to upgrade to a device that supports AOS7 or above to continue playing DomiNations.

Game wont load


New member
Mar 2, 2024
I am having a nightmare as I can not load my game and despite contacting customer services, and replying over and over again, the same info, they now are not even responding. I have cleared my cache, I have tried to load on different network, I have tried to load on a different device, yes I have lots of memory, it's a newish Samsung s8, i have given screenshots yes I ha e done all of the above over and over again and it looks like that's it! I asked for an update, nothing, no response, like I don't matter


Sep 1, 2023
I am having a nightmare as I can not load my game and despite contacting customer services, and replying over and over again, the same info, they now are not even responding. I have cleared my cache, I have tried to load on different network, I have tried to load on a different device, yes I have lots of memory, it's a newish Samsung s8, i have given screenshots yes I ha e done all of the above over and over again and it looks like that's it! I asked for an update, nothing, no response, like I don't matter
Same here. Can't load my alt account for about 6 days.
( my main account loading normally so far)



Approved user
Nov 19, 2018
Sto avendo un incubo perché non riesco a caricare il gioco e nonostante abbia contattato il servizio clienti e risposto più e più volte, le stesse informazioni, ora non rispondono nemmeno. Ho svuotato la cache, ho provato a caricare su una rete diversa, ho provato a caricare su un dispositivo diverso, sì, ho molta memoria, è un Samsung S8 nuovo, ho fornito screenshot sì, ho fatto tutto sopra ancora e ancora e sembra che sia tutto! Ho chiesto un aggiornamento, niente, nessuna risposta, come se non avessi importanza
Cambia app di setup tipo (Google play)