Garuda Sakai - hacking way Into top 20 - 20 sec kills on 290 3D7 bases


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017

the time hack and god mode cheats are now worse than ever

Guaruda in their last war annihilated every top base of Ares in 20-40 seconds.

how? Time hacks and god mode cheats

see this video that shows the times.

please.... we beg you. Review these players accounts.. they are making a mockery of the game and top players are quitting.


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017
No Title

The list of these attacks times goes on and on


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Cris 4321

Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
I agree with some of the comments above including from Krieg and NoVelcro.

TinSoldier it is inconceivable for such an alliance exploiting cheats so blatantly to be in the top 20 of this community game. In the short and long term it will be detrimental to everyone including Nexon (not to mention the player community) to let this cheating continue. It should be relatively easy to investigate and take action.

I would also like your help to explore / offer an option for alliances to cancel or forfeit a war in these sort of situations, I have (personally and in my alliance more broadly) nil interest to engage or play any sort of game with hackers or cheats, regardless the glory points or resources won or lost in these wars, its a waste of 2 days time for a large player community that is not warranted.

For further background information and investigation I am also including the below posted on you tube, regarding the same alliance using the same cheats in a different war with a different alliance, in the very recent past; the cheats/ hacks are equally blatant and obvious.

Thanks for your consideration and prompt action.


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
Tukish named, russian named, indonesian named, indian named etc alliances are most likely to be the cheating alliances.

PS: Just so that some sore loser living on Rs2/day does not come and accuse me of racism (go read a dictionary for the definition of racism)
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Approved user
May 2, 2015
Mountainking: you can rename your alliance to those names mentioned to scare of your ww opponents :confused:

If Nexon is unwilling to remove them from the Leaderboard, then the Leaders of the top Alliances should coordinate some protest naming of their own Alliances - used to be a common thing in the past...

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Mountainking you're beyond racism 😆
I can't decide whether I should be ashamed or proud of being Indonesian! 🤔
Anyway it's actually true, only in countries where the government apply strict regulations in every aspect that we could always find a way to cheat, cause we always have to outsmart everyone in the country 😌

No worries I don't support cheating, peace Tin (don't ban me anymore 😆)

Cris 4321

Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
TinSoldier up is how our alliance chose to handle the war with this alliance. From the player community there is nothing further we can do, we and numerous other alliances have reported this alliance for using a variety of cheats and hacks, have provided detailed information regarding these attacks, including posted on the above thread. We will not entertain wars with these alliances so they can cheat their way to victory and top 20 leaderboard position by these miraculous attacks in the last 5 min of the game. Anyone who has played the game can appreciate it is not possible to 5star a max base with 3 defensive coalitions and full stronghold by someone with no offensive coalitions in 20-30 seconds. I hope Nexon can appreciate this is ruining the game for us and a large part of the player community that play wars fairly. So far no action has been taken against this alliance despite numerous reports from multiple alliances, I hope this can be investigated in detail and actioned.

I would appreciate a response from you / Nexon in due course (the standard CS response of we are investigating is of course not the one I am looking for). Thanks for your support with this.

On to the next war, we are facing an alliance where their top player got 3.7million experience points in 2 days....

Kaiser Shag

Approved user
Aug 21, 2016
From what I've seen on youtube it's possible to do this times by activating/desactivating the plane mode of you device 2 or 3 times during the battle and for a few secondes every time. No big hacking/godmode.


Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
It is not just activating/deactivating plane mode, they are also using glitches to get 5 stars with impossible troop combos. Of course all the replays show them getting 0 stars on all maxed defensive base, but 5 stars on result screen.

I will give you an example. How far do you think you will get if you use 2 demos on a stronghold of a level 290 base with 3 defense coalitions and a Bazooka sentry? They seem to found a way to do it and get 5 stars in 30s :)
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