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Greek Cavalries only receive the HP buff and not the Damage buff?

Pro Saibot

New member
Dec 16, 2024
This is 2 pictures taken from a few days ago in Season 10, which has no buffs or debuffs affecting Cavalries in general
I am a Greek player in Industrial Age and after upgrading my Special Troop which is the Companion Tank, I realized that Greek Cavalries only receive the 10% HP Buff and not the 25% Damage Buff. The stats of the Normal Tank was taken from the Defensive Replay tab and the Companion Tank was from my Barracks.
These are stats after you fully Research the Chivalry and Standing Army in the Library
  • Normal Tank stats: 15840 HP and 569 DPS (I was attacked by different players using the troop with the same stats so very likely that it is the default one without any Buffs coming from Blessings, Museums, Counselors and Manufactory)
  • Companion Tank stats: 17424 HP and 569 HP (Without Buffs coming from Blessings, Museums, Counselors and Manufactory)
The 10% Buff is there but the 25% Damage Buff is non-existent, the 2 cannot have the same amount of damage if one has 25% more.
I dont know if the problem exist for the French as well but I hope that the devs can take a look at all ages to see if its bugged


  • Untitled.png
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BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
So the tank Normally doesn't have 15,840 HP. The base stats for a Tank is 13,200 HP 337DPS and 675DPS against defensive buildings. The tank you're showing here looks to have been buffed, possibly through Library or Saladin University research.

Your companion tanks are showing the bonuses they get from Greek unique unit.



BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
1) Could you please also show the base stats of companion tanks?
13200 HP of the tank +10% Greek bonus would then be 14520 HP
337 DPS + 25% Greek bonus would be 421 DPS
could you please confirm that this is really the case in the game? The question was raised as to whether the DPS bonus would actually be granted.

2) Probably just another bug.
In the defense log, we should be able to see the munition (and buffs from the museum and research) of the attackers, but instead our own munition is shown, which of course distorts the values.
1) That is correct, the base value is not represented in either of the OP's images. (DPS is 422 though)

2) Unfortunately, the OP doesn't provide enough information to determine why they are seeing differences here.