How can I protect tanks efficiently?


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I don't know if investing more on farms early on would be helpful.
As I'm playing, better defense have meant better hold of resources, and better production have meant being better target for me.
On the other hand, resources I have not collected for not having higher resource buildings could be huge.
Anyone has a tip for me?

Upgrading farms and caravans is not really something I would recommend. Upgrading those should only be when you have absolutely nothing to upgrade. Or when you seem to not be able to loot other people's towns.

Like what Magnifico mentioned along the way you will find more rss then what your workers can use.

Sometimes I wonder, how much further along would I be if I didn't waste time upgrading farms and caravans in my earlier ages.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I think even in EA, people are starting to have more food than they know what to do with

The Enchantress

Approved user
May 28, 2016
Anti-tanks are your problem? Sabotage them into oblivion! Thing is, it's quite like they said above - the tanks are expendable. Even if great to deal good damage, the point is for them to distract the enemy and take in all the damage, to make way for your artillery and shooters. I also vote against removing Gatlings. Imo, all you want from your factories are heavy tanks.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
If people have enough food and not enough gold - and your important upgrades are done - then isn't that a good reason upgrade your caravans & keep workers busy?? If you're far enough along and dont NEED to raid as much, a high passive income is nothing to be sneezed at.
Agreed, they arent a priority early on but in global, with a strong army and full resources, I'm upgrading them at my leisure. I love logging on each morning to over 400k of gold!