I have a lot of ideas, but I'll explain the first two that come to my head.

Lord Facu 2016

Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Hello good night from Argentina First of all I wanted to thank the masters of the Dominations game for approving me so I could post a couple of years ago I am a user, and I come up with ideas that I want to share here in the forums, but I could not even see my own profile I also wanted to thank (I do not know if other users took the trouble to do this return) all the changes included since the update 5.3 I think it was (examples: alliance advantages and troop tactics among others). It makes the game more dynamic and interesting
in the first place I propose to change the name of the button "attention to the client" located inside the menu right side in the screen of the game Dominations (at least so it appears in Latin America) by the abbreviations "f.a.q." I imagine that the phrase "customer service" confuse new users because they believe that Dominations has a full version (payment) that must be purchased to receive personalized attention as happens with all the products that must be paid to be used ... using the phrase "faq" the new allies take advantage of that valuable tool that has basic answers like "that is a stronghold" or "that is a world war", etc., they have an answer anytime (I have noticed new allies frustrated because they leave that type of questions in the alliance chat, are often ignored and end up disgusted and are going to install other games abandoning their villages, etc.), in addition to the fact that by not asking basic questions can use the limited chat of the alliance ( limited in my opinion) for combat strategies, donations, etc. which are indispensable in world war or weekly events for example
My other proposal is about the requirements to start posting in the forums: Before today, I did not know if my posts were approved or not, since in two years neither my own profile could see ... I propose that users be approved automatically and their posts have a delay of 48 hours to be informed if they are approved or must be edited to be published
I await here the returns of the users of forums that so wish Thanks for reading me!