Is the war weight bug back again?


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Being CWA I was counted number two after aa recently. I didn’t pay much attention to that until our recent match: our 1 CWA and 2 aa against 3 CWA and 4 aa. The enemy doesn’t sandbag a lot, just a couple of them, but all of their CWAs have got rocket arsenal. So it makes me wonder if there any negative weight count is back again (as it was with a bunker some time ago). Did anyone notice something like that?


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Here are the top 5 bases in decreasing order:
ours: 235 AA, 251 CWA, 200 AA, 160 GA, 134 IA
enemy: 281 CWA, 257 CWA, 232 AA, 249 CWA, 213 AA
I would’ve said that it’s a classical mismatch, but you may notice that two times CWA goes after AA, and it’s definitely not because CWAs have high lvl farms and caravans)


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Did you change anything about your war composition? We hardly ever get a good match or highest player is Global the rest below. Where almost every time matched up agains at attleast 2 atomic. Partly by or doing for not rushing.
And level doesn't say anything, all defenses and offense upgraded without upgrading roads and farms will keep you at a low(er) level.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
I know the difference between level and war weight. You probably missed that part of my message regarding farms and caravans.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
yeah this is little mismatch as you have more low level players than them. do you remember how much time it took to make a match when you started the war search.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Our next match is more interesting: 1 CWA against 9 CWAs (in a 15x15 war) all of them being higher than our only CWA, and once again - not because of farms and caravans. This time they do sandbag a lot, but it can’t explain the really drastic difference - there should be an additional factor. After checking of their bases I’ve got an interesting idea: probably the high negative war weight building is the estate - they’ve got 9 of them, we have zero. That sounds nexon-logical: give paying players easier and more fun wars at the cost of (sorry for the pun) non-paying players.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Is the matchmaking ever changed before though?
Bunkers do add war weight since ever right?
I guess there are not too many alliances waging 15 men wars during holidays, Alexey. I bring 15 always too, and always get mismatches especially these last couple of holidays weeks (our war team could cope with the mismatches but it keeps getting worse during Christmas - New Years holidays).
There are big gaps between your AA to GA, and GA to IA, same as our set. Even if we get fair enemies for lower 5, the top 10 couldn't back up attacks 😔
Have you ever tried to bag it?

I think Estate has nothing to do with the weight itself, it only explains how those guys get to CW faster than ftp players! 😉
You might want to encourage those AA and IA guys to advance, and if you have lower EA and GPA in the war set, encourage them to fast forward to IA and max their university researches!
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Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
You didn’t mention the glory number anywhere that would help make some more sense of it all. We had 2 wars in a row that were a little similar to yours only because it was abnormal. One was 20 player they had (2) lvl 290 and a level (1) 280 all maxed def and various aa/ga/ca but the glory was 60 gain/784 loss. I’m the highest lvl at 235 cwa, next 228 cwa than it goes down to 200 ga and down. But my strategy held up and we won. We just avoided going for 5 star and just got qv on the top 3 and than crushed the rest. Our cwa went 2 def and sure enough they couldn’t do much at all. They got beat in the middle of the lineup as they’re industrials kept failing. Problem with 10-15 player wars are that they can be really manipulated by sand bagging. Obviously that can happen with all wars but moreso the less people participate.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Actually, there was a time when maxed bunker had negative war weight causing strong bases sinking in the middle of the list under the weaker ones and resulting in mismatches like this. The bug was acknowledged by nexon and corrected in some patch. I try to encourage at least our atomics to go CWA)


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
This time we have + about 900 gain/ -1 loose, so we wouldn’t have a chance even in a fair match. But the match is so bad that even if the glory was reversed, no strategy would help us to beat 9 CWAs with maxed walls, rocket arsenals and 3 lvl 60 generals (almost all of them) with 1 middle CWA and 3 atomics. And my point is - sandbagging is not enough to get such advantage.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Currently matched up against 5 atomic, 3 global.
We have 1 global 5 industrial the rest below.
Where at Glory 14k they have 20k glory.
Last 5 wars where very bad matches. One in our favour.
The matches where found within seconds.
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
What happens now is the reverse result. If you notice, if we have for example level 210 AA with maxed AA bunker, and level 240 CW with GA bunker, the CW guy will rank below AA; especially if that AA guy has higher generals.
That condition will create bad mismatches.
But I think in our situations, it's just that there were not enough alliances that brought 15 people to war at the time we were hitting the Begin New War button, since the Elo was so terrible even sandbagging couldn't be blamed 😆 I guess the match always prefers the nearest targets that hit that button 😤


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Found one estate, must say only checked there warbases. 20 vs 20 war.
And one estate on our side.
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Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
Was any of these changes mentioned by joe Muet being implemented in last update. or are they testing in real time. as match making changes will be theoretical for them and they can mainly test on real time.

Matchmaking - Competitive integrity is an important component to any matchmaking system. A combination of exploits in the current system and sub-optimal matching logic has unfortunately resulted in poor match quality. It’s simply not fun to go to War and instantly know that you have no chance. As players, you’ve made that clear by opting out of participating in those mismatched Wars by not attacking.
  • When we address the Leaderboard issue, we’ll also tackle matchmaking. While matchmaking is always a trade off of match quality vs. wait time, we’ve identified solutions to many of the issues plaguing the current system. We’re actively working on this now and will be rolling out an entirely new matchmaking system alongside the last stage of the Leaderboard update. The system will also include the ability to identify Alliances with imbalanced compositions and understand that those are not fair matches.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Wondering that my self as well, are they allready implementing or testing. The glory decay release mentioned the preparation on the new war making system.
Until then I would love to just battle against alliances around the same glory, and make it a natural selection. Those with high level players will play at a higher glory.
Now the alliances without CWA and AA will be opting out soon or later. Witch decreases the chance for a fair match on the remaining alliances.