Medal dumping attacks


Approved user
Jul 29, 2015
Just for interest.....I have an atomic age base , level used to be that whenever I logged off for a few minutes I could guarantee that this base would have at least a couple of one soldier attacks to dump medals ...
Now , for various reasons , I did not log onto the game at all yesterday fact it’s been about two days since I was online midday two days ago till midday today ...
Logging on , I found that there were no medal dumping raids , and looking back at the log , it’s been 3 days 18 hours since anyone interacted with the base ...either attack or medal dump ....
Im sure that’s not a record by any means , but it suggests to me that active players are getting thin on the ground .

I certainly don’t play anywhere near as often as I did , and find it very easy to totally ignore any of the "opportunities to spend real money" with no problem since I really dislike the direction the game has gone .

I certainly don’t want things to be too easy, I don’t mind a challenge , but I hate what the changes have done to the chances of the lower ages progressing in this game and can totally respect anyone leaving the game because of the changes and P2P aspect that’s been ramped up while the cheating and totally insane AI are never addressed.

So , out of long has it been since your base has been really attacked ...or even had medals dumped ?


Approved user
Oct 30, 2018
Funny I was just considering this and my options regarding going up to Industrial during the ages event. Enlightenment Age level 125, though I deliberately keep my medals low (edit: 500-700) . One failed attack, one medal dropper in the last two weeks. I had one odd day where I got properly attacked 3 times (all got 2 stars) a few weeks ago. So a grand total of 5 in about 4 weeks... if that pattern continues there is little point in upgrading my defences much at all.
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Jane Monroe

Approved user
Jun 25, 2015
You neglected to tell us how many medals your AA base had. If you left your base with, say 1200-1300 medals or so , you may not get medal dropper attacks as most players chose this range to start dropping.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I really have seen a serious decrease of attacks on my base (industrial 167). I play between 600 and 1200 medals. Sometimes I get hit by a global, but most of the attacks are medal droppers.

Now I get attacked only a couple of times PER WEEK !! And my base if not defensive at all as I privilege offensive strength first.

Also a LOT of abandoned bases..I see more empty cities than active players...all this after the 4 rebalancing stages..

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
People are both dumping medals and 1 or 2 raiding me!😈😈😈
Don't blame rebalance.
(Medal range 600-1000)

More abandoned bases though. But I think I've been seeing a lot of abandoned bases before rebalance in that medal range.
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Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
My base is in the 400-1000 medal range. I was seeing 5+ medal dropping attacks daily, now it's less than 2 per day. Some days no medal dropping attacks in the past few weeks.

Rogue Squirrel

Approved user
Sep 5, 2018
I've been experimenting a bit with medal ranges recently and there is definitely a sweet spot for my base (level 200 atomic, with strong defences) where I never get attacked, either full-on or by medal droppers. I only have to go up or down about 50 medals to start getting attacked again - but I'm not going to tell you where it is because that would probably ruin it for me..... hahaha! (hint: it's in the silver league somewhere)


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
46 attacks in the last 3d 4h, 21 attacks in the last 12h 47m (there had been a few peace treaties as well). I typically carry very low medals.

I've also found that frequency of attacks on my base relates somehow to how often I attack others; during periods when I am idle, activity decreases.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I find in CWA if i sit between 15-1600 or 18-1900 medals I am never attacked at all beyond the occasional revenge from some long-forgotten opponent. Anything below 1500 is a constant churn of medal droppers, raiders nipping at my useless food/gold and still useful wells, or overly-ambitious atomics lured in by my seemingly weak base design. If I don't log in for a few days I've been pushed as high as 2400 medals from defensive victories before the game's innate equilibrium kicks in. Of course that was pre-rebalance, so who knows now?

I honestly don't remember the last time I was 5-starred. People generally have to go all out to get 3 anymore.

I have 5 accounts. The CWA is probably in better shape than it ever was. The mid-global has been consigned to waiting for oil sales and doing endless uni chapters as the only way it makes progress now is to attack with 140 foot soldiers, rebuild, rinse, repeat. Too many buildings, not enough power in my barracks troops, and resource costs, uni times are way too high to effectively transition to the factory army that I guess we're required to use now.

The late-industrial is more manageable. No threat of being beaten down by drastically more powerful opponents the moment I acquire loot worth taking. The resource costs are far more manageable too. That said, it is still a great deal more grindy than before but not to the absurd degree global is now.

The two medievals are frankly not fun at all anymore. Even if I play to my nation's strengths and do everything in my power besides using tactics, mercs, blessings I often find myself running out of time because it takes far too long to clear markets, mills and town centers now. Coupled with the atrocious AI that never gets addressed it's almost always a one-and-done scenario when attacking with those accounts. The only saving grace is the relatively trivial resource costs and the fact that those accounts are attacked once a week at most. Essentially, I'm playing Farmville in the lower ages because now even farms and goldbags have so much hp that upgrading them has become a key part of defense. Plus, I get nearly as much collecting from them as I do from the raids I can only be bothered to do a few times a day.

In short: I won't say the game is dying but I'm still unclear what they were thinking if the goal is to attract and retain new players to replace the ones who have left.
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Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
I have suggested that some games cost $50-80 ( World of Warcraft) to upgrade from 0 to a lv 110 of 120 character. If you spend that much money in this game you should get enough crowns to upgrade to at least Atomic Age or start with an Atomic account.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Yeah, it's strange to me that matchmaking issues have largely been due to the lack of late game players and the tremendous power of late game accounts being easily balanced by iron age sandbags. Yet, apart from a few bones like double armory/library slots and later uni leaders being created almost solely to reduce the times of the original ones the soul-crushing amount of time/money to get to those late ages has never been addressed at all. Then, after the workaround of max offense rushing has been established they kneecap it with the rebalance. Not only are those max offense accounts much less viable (the merits of that can and have been endlessly debated) but day-to-day multiplayer grinding to do it has become much more tedious. Especially when you reach global, the undisputed worst age of the game now. Now I'm no Mensa member or Wile E. Coyote-esque super genius, but I'm not really following the logic here.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2015
I actually have 3 accounts ....a Global, an Atomic and a Cold War ....The Atomic was most obvious ( 1298 medals ) ..the Global age I don’t pay too much attention to any more ...the Cold war base on 1687 medals rarely sees any attacks or medal drops either , they all just jog along these days and I really only do attacks when I have an instant retrain available .

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Goodness, your battle logs must be lively 😃. You attack often?
I must agree with this. When I'm idle, I barely never get attacked. It mostly happens after I raid. When I log out after spending 1 hour playing at good days, I'd get 5-6 people dumping medals, and if lucky 1 or 2 giving me peace treaties.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Last 15 days 5 attacks on my base enlightenment age lvl 126. 3 medal attacks 2 medal drops total of 2 wins on my base they gained a total of 2 stars on my base last 15 days. Medal range 1000.
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Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Must say my average attack rate dropped as wel from around 10 attacks a day to 2 or 3 attacks a day. On war planning day one extra.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
13 attacks in 6 days, none from medal dumping. Level 246 CWA at 3200 medals.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Have you all considered that you're not enticing anyone to attack your base? I used to drop to 600-800 medals often and then in a day or two I'd be back at 1400-1600. After the 'rebalance' medal droppers also became scarce for me so I decided to leave markets/mills and some oil wells exposed and, although the medal droppers have not come back the way they used to, I can easily go from 600 to 1600 in 4-6 days. (on average).
Maybe it's a co-incidence but leaving some loot out there seems to have helped. Most times raiders can get 500k food/gold plus 3-5k oil from me.
Besides, if I can help others at the same time as giving Nexon a big FU for the 'rebalance', all the better! :D


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
im a firm believer of age-rushing so i have bases that appear weak, and i get full on attacks on me all the time. but it does feel like the attacks are coming slower than before. i used to be attacked as soon as i logged off. now i can go for hours without being attacked.

my main is lvl 245 cwa with a lot of defensive buildings still in enlightenment, around 3700 medals. my alt is a lvl 179 atomic that can 5-star itself using just the airforce, around 2050 medals.

a funny note for my alt it feels like i get attacked less when i have 200k+ oil. i can even go 10+ hours without being attacked when i do